Re: [ECOLOG-L] Forest methods reference

2011-04-06 Thread Baker, Tim
The standard intro text for forestry is probably Avery and Burkhart's Forest Measurements (McGraw-Hill)--it's the one I use in my Natural Resources Inventory class but you might find "Sampling Techniques for Forest Resource Inventory" by Shiver and Borders useful as well. Tim Baker Forestry and Na

Re: [ECOLOG-L] working in academia vs govt vs consultancies

2011-03-05 Thread Baker, Tim
I read not too long ago that the the publish or perish dogma (or more correctly stated, grants or perish), has become increasingly intense at most universities for tenure-track faculty. I recall some of my older colleagues at other institutions talk about getting tenure without significant (or

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Population control

2009-09-22 Thread Baker, Tim
Bill, I think you hit the nail on the head in that it is a difficult problem to address not only on the issue of control of numbers (who, what, where, etc..) but also it's amazingly difficult even addressing the issue of overpopulation. I think the latter occurs because even when many ecologists

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Are ecologists the problem?

2009-09-09 Thread Baker, Tim
Not to put too fine a point on it, but human procreation seems to be the problem moreso than individual carbon footprint. I think the one ecological concept often overlooked is the idea that there really aren't any wasted resources; everything is being used by something. Each additional human u

Re: [ECOLOG-L] moving from a PC to a Mac???

2008-08-11 Thread Baker, Tim
Don't forget that with a Mac you can also partition it to run either Windows or OS X and it usually runs Vista/Windows better than the PC's do. I just switched to a MacBook Pro after 20+years of PCs and thus far I'm very happy with the switch. I don't have the partition and I can still access mo

Re: [ECOLOG-L] summer reading with an ecologic/environmental theme

2008-02-26 Thread Baker, Tim
I haven't seen this suggestion yet (apologies if I missed it), so I'll propose David Quammen's 'Song of the Dodo'. His writing is very accessible and he is one of the better science writers for the general public. -Tim -Original Message- From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs

Ecology as a General Education requirement

2006-11-04 Thread Baker, Tim
I'm working on a committee at our college to do program review of Gen. Ed.= which includes writing a new mission statement for the program, program an= d area SLO's, etc.. One of the things I've been pushing, and getting broad = support for, is to include some understanding of ecology and environ

Re: question about class field-trips and lawyers

2006-09-13 Thread Baker, Tim
Our college skirts the liability issue by simply having the class start at the meeting location. The lawyer's rationale is that if the college isn't liable for students driving to class normally, they aren't when the class meets someplace else either. But you cannot (in California) formally make up