t. of Wildlife Sciences,
University of Göttingen, Germany2 School of Environment,
Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor
University, Wales, UK
For more information about this survey:
Maarten Hofman – +49 (0)551 39 33583 – maarten.hof...@forst.uni-goettingen.de
– https://www.researchgate.net/pr
Maarten P.G. Hofman1,2, Matthew W. Hayward2 and
Niko Balkenhol11 Dept. of Wildlife Sciences,
University of Göttingen, Germany2 School of Environment,
Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor
University, Wales, UK
For more information about this survey:
Maarten Hofman – +49 (0)155 39
this survey:
Maarten Hofman - +49 (0)155 39 33583 - maarten.hof...@forst.uni-
goettingen.de – http://conservation.bangor.ac.uk/MaartenHofman.php.en
We apologize for any cross-posting.