(Warren) wrote in message:
> So, what is your best way to explain a CI? How do you explain it
> without using some esoteric discussion of probability?
I prefer to focus on the reliability of the estimate and say it is:
"A range of values for an estimate that reflect its unreliability and
From: Mark Everingham ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: variance estimation and cross-validation
Newsgroups: sci.stat.math, sci.stat.edu, sci.stat.consult, sci.math
Date: 2001-07-24 03:14:05 PST
I'm not familiar with your research area, but if I understand your data
correctly you have N image measu
Uplandcrow wrote:
> I am looking for examples of articles that use a stat procedure incorrectly.
A literature search of important journals in the subject area in which your
students major might show that common problems have been addressed. For example,
the articles below address problems t
ELN/fisackson wrote:
> There exists a technique known as Orthogonal Distance Regression (aka
> Deming regression) to establish if a linear relationhsip exists between
> two variables when both are subject to error. A few statistics packages
> even calculate it. I wonder if there exists a similar