Re: galton

2000-05-24 Thread Paul Gardner
ontribution to the field. The text states that the data are taken from a study done by Karl Pearson, a disciple of Galton's. However, the raw data are not provided. Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel;cell:0412 275 623 tel;fax:Int + 61 3 9905 2779 (Faculty office) tel;home:

Re: obsolete methods?

2000-05-22 Thread Paul Gardner
ic methods which attempt to measure attitudes by producing a scale score. I took the original question that started off this thread to wonder about psychometric methods were obsolete, and not whether Likert and Thurstone had been replaced by better mathematical models. Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:G

Re: What is standard deviation exactly?

2000-05-22 Thread Paul Gardner
quot;, a substantive concept in the structure of statistics, in a way that other measures of spread aren't. There are parallels to this in other branches of science and mathematics. Mass times velocity (momentum) is a useful concept, because it enters into relationships with other concepts. So

Re: obsolete methods?

2000-05-17 Thread Paul Gardner
t (Pinter, 1992, emphasis on various qualititative and quantitative data-gathering techniques, not on the psychometrics). Hope this is helpful, Paul Gardner > Does anyone know what happened? Did these methods go out of style > bacause they were superceded? > > Regards,

Re: misusing stats: examples

2000-05-10 Thread Paul Gardner
mise of such a hypothetical study -- unlikely to ever be realised, as you recognise -- but I'd point out that you are making an unwarranted slide in argument from "10% of the variance" to "10% of the mean scores". Mean scores and variance estimates are not related in this


2000-05-07 Thread Paul Gardner
gest eigenvalue. Eigenvalue is the sum of the squared loadings of each variable on that component. The loadings are large because many "pins" are correlated with each other. Hope this helps Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel;cell:0412 275 623 tel;fax:Int + 61 3 9905 277

Re: Number of factors to be extracted

2000-05-02 Thread Paul Gardner
nse when I apply my judgement to the pattern of loadings. I can reduce all this to a single maxim: Factor analysis is an art as well as a science. Paul Gardner Alex Yu wrote: > > There are several rules. The most popular two are: > > 1. Kasier criterion: retain the factor when eigen

Re: split half reliability

2000-04-17 Thread Paul Gardner
em. Homogeneity is not a "stringent requirement" for a high Cronbach alpha level at all. Cronbach's alpha is simply a measure of reliability; it is not an indicator of unidimensionality, a point widely misunderstood in the literature. Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel

Re: Split half coefficient?

2000-04-16 Thread Paul Gardner
order to check whether an individual respondent is answering the same question consistently. You won't find these concepts discussed in books on basic statistics. Look instead for books on educational and psychological measurement. You local university library should be able to help. Pau

Re: What to study next

2000-03-01 Thread Paul Gardner
umber of statistical procedures, and obviously there are dozens or hundreds of others. But I think the procedure I use encourages the students to read and reflect on research situations, and frame the question, "How might this research question be answered?" Paul Gardner Rich Ulrich

Re: What to study next

2000-02-29 Thread Paul Gardner
stics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Prentice Hall, 1996, has an excellent chapter at the end which presents a decision tree. This summarises the various statistical procedures in the text and helps learners to determine which statistics are appropriate under various conditions. Paul G


2000-02-27 Thread Paul Gardner
d the Tukey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test. Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel;cell:0412 275 623 tel;fax:Int + 61 3 9905 2779 (Faculty office) tel;home:Int + 61 3 9578 4724 tel;work:Int + 61 3 9905 2854 x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;; version:2.1 email;internet:[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: 50 random envelopes/people

2000-02-16 Thread Paul Gardner
other combination, i.e. the probability that at least one letter is in its correct envelope. (Dr) Paul Gardner, Director, Research Degrees begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel;cell:0412 275 623 tel;fax:Int + 61 3 9905 2779 (Faculty office) tel;home:Int + 61 3 9578 4724 tel;work:Int + 61 3 9905 2854 x

Re: Sig. of correlation and t-test

2000-02-01 Thread Paul Gardner
l values of t. The reverse is equally possible. X and Y might not be correlated at all, yet have quite different means. Hope this helps, Paul Gardner === This list is open to everyone. Occasionally, people lacking respect for o

Re: Scale Reliability

1999-12-16 Thread Paul Gardner
od indicator of the relative freedom of the items in a scale from random measurement error. It is NOT a sound indicator of unidimensionality. The misconception that it is such an indicator is widespread. Paul Gardner begin:vcard n:Gardner;Dr Paul tel;cell:0412 275 623 tel;fax:Int + 61 3