[Elecraft] (no subject)

2011-10-04 Thread sheajohnw
http://www.urbanvenom.com/catalog/site.php?html114 __ Elecraft mailing list Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net This list hosted by: http://ww

[Elecraft] K2 QQuestion on Options

2011-07-13 Thread sheajohnw
I have been a K2/100 operator for about ten years mostly on RTTY and CW utilizing the DSP filter as needed.. 1. The SSB capability is needed by the K2 for digital operation. Digital mode operation is exciting because it can get out at 100 W or less power almost as effectively as CW verses

[Elecraft] RTTY Interface for the K2

2011-04-03 Thread sheajohnw
I have made about 9,000 RTTY QSOs with my K2/100. I use an MFJ -1275 interface. The audio output is fed from the MFJ-1275 into the K2 microphone jack. I use an IBM clone running MS Windows XP with an iMic attached to a serial DB-9 jack RS-232 port. The iMic replaces the sound card. The iM

[Elecraft] Solder Rot and Circuit Board Cleanup

2011-03-09 Thread sheajohnw
Resoldering the connections is a good idea. As far as cleanup, I have a K2 that was involved in a house fire in 2003. The recovered K2 was wet totally soot black, the bezel was melted and the knobs heat distorted. I was advised to try cleaning it up with isopropyl alcohol on Q-tips and then

[Elecraft] K3 not recieving

2011-03-08 Thread sheajohnw
Vernon. Try the recommended dipole to "test" your rig. A dipole for 20 M band is short (about 36 ft long) and easy to make, you will quickly hear whether there is an issue with your K3 hardware or setup. The 20 M band is reliable most daylight hours and shortly after sunset. You also ment

Re: [Elecraft] loaded K2 vs K3

2007-05-12 Thread sheajohnw
Why not have both?:) Actually, its all a matter of what features one needs most and the type of building experience wanted. K3 appears to have been designed to be the best competative full featured HF + 6M or contest rig possible that could be assembled, aligned, and repaired by the user from

Re: [Elecraft] DSP and CW?

2007-03-29 Thread sheajohnw
I operate mostly digital mode and use MixW to help decode contest CW QSOs. Before I acquired the DSP2, I could adequately decode by machine only strong perfectly sent CW signals such as W1AW code practice transmissions using either my K2/100 or IC-735. After installation of the DSP2 NR, I not

Re: [Elecraft] The K2 and RTTY

2006-12-21 Thread sheajohnw
I have made several thousand RTTY Contest QSOs using the K2/100. It is AFSK only. My TX power out is about 90 watts usually into a low Diamond verticle antenna rated for 200 watts. Receive works OK for me considering the limitations of the antenna. Transmit works well for me on search and p

Re: [Elecraft] Switching Power supplies for K2/100

2006-10-06 Thread sheajohnw
You cannot go wrong with Astron. Being limited in $$, I bought a Samlex 1223. I have used the Samlex 1223 with my K2/100 for years without any problems. My Samlex 1223 was involved in a bad house fire. I had to open it and clean out all the smoke deposits and water. After being dried out,

[Elecraft] re: Optimum KDSP2 Settings

2006-09-28 Thread sheajohnw
Snip ""The KDSP2 is a great option. I've been reluctant to embrace DSP from my experience with DSP from other radios but the KDSP2 has been great. I'm glad it's apart of my K2 kit - very good filtering. The default settings seem to be great but are there other settings that people recommend an

[Elecraft] K2 Digital Mode Operation

2006-05-08 Thread sheajohnw
I have been using MixW for digital mode operation of the IC-735 and K2 for about three years. I have tried other software, but am still very satisfied with MixW after making approximately 7,000 digital contest QSOs. I have even used MixW to copy CW contest QSOs for casual search and pounce CW

[Elecraft] Audio Distortion by DSP2

2006-04-27 Thread sheajohnw
There has been minimal user feedback given on preferred DSP settings. Try first setting the DSP2 to the Elecraft defaults found in manual table 7, if they are not currently set to those defaults. Try reducing the denoiser decay setting to 07 for SSB as previously suggested by a user. I have

[Elecraft] Elecraft Amplifiers

2006-04-26 Thread sheajohnw
Is there any determination of duty cycle rating made yet for RTTY contesting use? Will the amps produce full power on RTTY without overheating? If not, how many watts output is considered appropriate for extensive run mode operation? Has amp output power been determined when operating a K2/10

[Elecraft] DSP2

2006-04-25 Thread sheajohnw
I use a Beta of 95 and a decay of 30 for CW mode. The decay is reduced to 07 for SSB phone mode. The denoiser level is increased from 1 to 4 as needed while listening to the signal and noise level of the RX. These are values close to those reported by others in previously made comments. I

[Elecraft] KDSP2 v KAF2

2006-04-06 Thread sheajohnw
My K2 is equipped with the KDSP2. I enjoy casual contesting, but have only modest CW copying skills. In order to participate in contests between digital events, I have tried making search and pounce contacts in CW contests using MixW decoding as an aid. Using the KDSP2 set with a Beta of 95

[Elecraft] Baloons

2006-03-29 Thread sheajohnw
FYI OT. It is only the ridgid airships (Aakron, Hindenburg) that had the poor safety record. Blimps which retain their shape due to gas pressure and have no ridgid internal framework have excellant safety records. de KB1IKD ___ Elecraft mailing list

[Elecraft] New Amplifiers

2006-02-01 Thread sheajohnw
Will the new Elecraft amplifiers be able to output full power when used with a K2/100 operating in RTTY mode? The K2/100 power output must cut back from 100W to about 20W when operating RTTY and other digital modes to prevent overheating. If the amplifier is able to put out full power with the

[Elecraft] Spot Tone

2005-10-04 Thread sheajohnw
Try holding down PRE/ATT in CW mode to start the spot tone. Tapping PRE/ATT will stop the tone. You tune the CW signal back and forth until the CW tone pitch matches the spot tone. You should then be tuned to the CW signal frequency when you transmit. You were selecting the PF1 function whic

RE: [Elecraft] Let me build your K2

2005-09-26 Thread sheajohnw
I appreciate Alan's occasional reminder of his available Elecraft building services. Alan recently upgraded my auction acquired K2 #2318 with SSB and IO2 to a revision B K2/100 adding the NB, DSP, PA100, 60M, and 160M modules. The upgrade job was complicated by the fact that the rig had been

[Elecraft] License Exam

2005-07-22 Thread sheajohnw
I believe that it is technically possible to be first licensed as an Extra class under the current licensing system by passing all 4 elements at a single volunteer examiner session and having the volunteer examiners submit all the paperwork for the Extra class license to the FCC. A person never

[Elecraft] re: LoTW

2004-07-12 Thread SHEAJOHNW
I enjoy receiving paper QSLs because they are more personal, exotic, and interesting. None-the-less, I must acknowlege the utility and potential of electronic QSLing. I upload all my new log entries and have 1485 QSOs logged to both eqsl.cc and LoTW. On LoTW, I have made 302 matches (20 %).