The 66 ft length is approximately a 1/4 wave on 80 meters, but it is a half
wave on 40 meters and will present a very high impedance (difficult to load
with conventional tuners) - 30 meters will probably load OK, but on 20
meters it is again an even multiple of a 1/4 wave and will present a hi
RC (and all),
Actally the real term 'Long wire antenna' was reserved in the past for a
wire that was greater than one wavelength - they are in the class of
'Traveling Wave Antennas' (Vee beams and rhombics are also in this same
class), and they are fed at the end (using whatever means necessary to
Now unless I misunderstand an EFLWA (end fed long wire antenna ) can
be used as long as it is a 1/4 wave length of the lowest operating
frequency and has a counter poise? 80m would be 66' as would be the
counter poise. the K1 w/KAT1 should have no problem tuning this or a KX1
on 40/30/20m.
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