Re: [Orgmode] where to place org-mode and remember lisp files

2009-05-12 Thread Nick Dokos
Henri Fischer wrote: > I'm having trouble using org-mode version 6.26d in combination with Emacs > 22.3.1 > (i386-apple-darwin-9.6.0, Carbon version 1.6.0) which contains org-mode 5.23a. > The 6.26d source files are stored in ~/elisp. The Remember source files I > placed in ~/elisp/ > remember.

[Orgmode] where to place org-mode and remember lisp files

2009-05-12 Thread Henri Fischer
Hi, I'm having trouble using org-mode version 6.26d in combination with Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin-9.6.0, Carbon version 1.6.0) which contains org-mode 5.23a. The 6.26d source files are stored in ~/elisp. The Remember source files I placed in ~/elisp/remember. Without (setq load-path (cons "~