I read in !emc-pstc that Bailey, Jeff wrote (in
) about 'Ground
potential differences' on Fri, 11 Oct 2002:
> I am interested
>to know what the actual magnitude of ground differences may be from one end
>of a plant to another as well as where the numbers come from.
It depends on what sort of
I read in !emc-pstc that neve...@attbi.com wrote (in <20021011040337.NIT
V4193.rwcrmhc51.attbi.com@rwcrwbc69>) about 'Ethernet Radiated
Emissions' on Fri, 11 Oct 2002:
>Second, I recommend refraining from sarcastic comments
>in this forum, since that doesn't seem it was about
No sar
Filtered D-subs can be purchased from Conec, Spectrum Control and Amphenol
(maybe not any more).
A rubber insert with filter caps can be purchased from Metatech.
Chris Maxwell | Design Engineer - Optical Division
email chris.maxw...@nettest.com | dir +1 315 266 5128 | fax +1 315 797 8024
I thought that I might weigh in on this one:
As someone mentioned previously, the big hazard involved in jump starting an
automobile is the risk of a spark igniting hydrogen gas vapors from the
battery. This
causes the battery to explode, which sends dilute sulfuric acid and pieces of
Hello Group,
does anyone knee where I can get either filtered D-type connectors or filter
cards that be inserted inside the shell to filter the signals? I was at a
seminar where these were shown being used in a Japanese video, (with English
voice over) and I was asked if I could source them.
Peter Tarver and all,
Yes I know that these aren't harmonised standards. My original query I
guess was why independent bodies should decide upon such varying creepage
distance requirements. I had naively thought that these distances would
have been determined by some universally recognised formu
It is a lossy material and most commercially available ferrite beads are
'tuned' to peak around the 100 MHz (VHF band II ?). I suppose there must
be lots of exception but I have not use any outside this region. Most of
them have different Q to describe their individual characteristics.
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