You're right, Gary. ITU K.20 (I believe) specifies testing of telecom ports
connected to the network. The test levels are 1.5kV if primary protection
is present, 4.0 kV if not. The waveform is 10 x 700.
CISPR 24 actually references these test levels in Table 2..
One of the European common mod
ETS 300 386-2 requires a performance criteria R surge of 4kv Line-Ground
for "other than telecommuncations centres, ac power ports" (Section Keep in mind this standard only applies to Telecommunication
Network Equipment, so depending on what you make, this may be
Dave Heald
EN55024:1998 , well at least my copy, also gives 2kV line to ground as the
surge voltages. Your persistent buzzing may be coming form the reference test
standard EN61000-4-5. It gives various surge voltages depending on the
Installation Class of the equipment.
Class 3 - Electrical Environme
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