Here are some common causes of following error with steppers
On 6 May 2009 at 10:44, Michael Jones wrote:
> I'm getting a "joint following error on axis 0" EMC2 2.3 lately.
> This
> usually happens when doing some fi
a joint following error means that the position where EMC thinks the
axis should be is not the same as where the motor controller's feedback
loop tells you the axis is.
I guess you have a stepper system which makes this a strange error to
see. But EMC is split in a trajectory control
I'm getting a "joint following error on axis 0" EMC2 2.3 lately. This
usually happens when doing some fine detail an engraving with a fine v
bit - and of course when it's about 90% done with the program.. I
haven't been doing this long enough to say that it's definitely 2.3 as
I didn't ge
Recently I mentioned that my AXIS is skipping some vectors
when I'm resuming program many times. I have heavy modified AXIS and You
mentioned that I must show this error in oryginal one. And here it is:
this is the file:
EMC 2.1.6/2.1.7
after start
Sometimes I' having joint following error.
When I run program, stop it during arc and want to continue from actual
line (arc), joint following error show up and on screen appeared yellow
line to begin of actual arc.
Where is a problem ?