> 1,2: I do not think that users will prefer the built-in console if Gogo is
> available, as long as the Equinox commands are available through Gogo.
I tend to agree especially because Gogo is likely better from a user
> 5: in the implementation in the patch proposed in
> https://
I thought I'd add my $0.02 as a customer. I don't really care what console I
get as long as it "doesn't suck" meaning that it's intuitive to use. I don't
really care if I have to include another bundle or not to get the console -
it's just another bundle in the sea of bundles that I already dep
You are correct. We will need to make sure the framework commands are
registered in this case. Not sure I like the use of -console none to do
this (which also can be set with configuration option osgi.console=none).
| From: |
Lazar makes a good point that people are used to -console giving them "a
console". Some thoughts
1) Will there be people care what console -console gives them?
2) Put another way, can we make the assumption that if Gogo is around no one is
interested in using the built-in console?
3) if -cons
I think we already have such an option – specifying “-console none” disables
both the discovery of CommandProvider services and ConsoleSession services. The
disadvantage is that if “-console none” is used the FrameworkCommandProvider
service is not registered. Probably an option whether to regis
Once we have incubated the gogo shell + equinox console bridge support and
we are confident in the solution then I think we move in this direction.
i.e. we look at making the -console option "just work" by doing something
like you are suggesting, start the bundle-supplied console. Once that is
There are two things to consider.
1) The equinox console implementation currently discovers the equinox
CommandProvider services which provide the set of commands to the equinox
osgi> console. In a prototype that Lazar has been working on there is a
bridge bundle that is able to map equinox Comma
Technically if the framework is configured with the Gogo bundles to be
installed and started, and is run without the -console option, it should work
just fine. But users are accustomed to use the -console option. When they
eventually start Equinox, configured with Gogo, with the -console option,