Re: LinuxWorld Expo

2000-08-22 Thread Curt Siffert
On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 11:46:30PM -0700, Bob Miller wrote: > > Lots of Sony Z505 laptops and Picturebooks. Everywhere. Mostly in > the hands of Very Young Persons. Prior to today, I don't think I'd > ever seen anyone other than myself carrying one. Of the eight people > in the 10x10 perlmonk

what projects are you doing?

2000-07-26 Thread Curt Siffert
I thought it would be cool to find out what kind of unix-y projects we are all involved in. What have you been hacking on lately? What are you going to do next? I'll start. I'm more of a programmer than a hardware tinkerer so most of my projects reflect that. I love "collaborative creativi

Re: @home revisited

2000-07-25 Thread Curt Siffert
So is it still true that the upload speeds on cable are vastly slower than the download speeds? I qualify for both but I've done 256k DSL because I thought it would be a more solid solution for running my linux boxes here. Curt On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 05:14:22AM -0700, Franklin Hays wrote: >


2000-07-14 Thread Curt Siffert
Hey, I just realized that I might not understand bandwidth as well as I think I do... I have a 256k DSL connection. With the routes as they are, I can basically have one stream of Hi-Fi MP3s coming down to my computers without skippage. That's the 128-bit version. If I run two at once, then i

where to order wavelan cards?

2000-07-08 Thread Curt Siffert
Hey all, I'm interested in buying a wavelan/lucent/orinoco wireless card. No one in town seems to sell them off the shelf. What are the best websites to order this kind of thing from? I don't order a lot of tech equipment so I'm not really sure where to start looking. Are there sites that sea

ignore me

2000-06-17 Thread Curt Siffert
Testing out a new qmail installation... I shuffled around my mailserver so I am not sure if I was automatically unsubscribed from this list or not. Curt