AW: 503 Service Unavailable when using OWA

2002-01-10 Thread Rickenbacher Beat
Title: RE: 503 Service Unavailable when using OWA  - Did this start to occur after a reboot of either of the servers? If yes what had been installed/had been changed in the weeks before? - Firewall between FE/BE? All ports needed opened/verified (again!)? - IIS-Logs? - To check out (if no

AW: 503 Service Unavailable when using OWA

2002-01-10 Thread Rickenbacher Beat
Title: RE: 503 Service Unavailable when using OWA  - Did this start to occur after a reboot of either of the servers? If yes what had been installed/had been changed in the weeks before? - Firewall between FE/BE? All ports needed opened/verified (again!)? - IIS-Logs? - To check out (if no