Q: Why did the turtle cross the road?
A: Because he wasn't chicken.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
On 2/22/2014 8:45 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
> A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona
A turtle was crossing the highway when a car came b
On 2/22/2014 8:45 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
> A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona
A turtle was crossing the highway when a car came by a hit him. When the
turtle woke up in the hospital, he told the doctor, "It all happened so
damn fast, I don't know what happened!
A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona when his car broke down. The
penguin thought, "great, here I am in the middle of a desert, when I love the
water". After a while the penguin had his car towed to a local town to get it
fixed. Walking on the way to town, he saw a sign that said i