Re: [Finale] 2k5 features (was Expression Metatools)

2004-02-07 Thread Eric Fiedler
On Saturday, February 7, 2004, at 09:34 PM, David W. Fenton wrote: (snip) Meanwhile, since I'm stuck with WinFin2K3, what's the usual technique for getting hyphens into a score after line breaks? I have never figured out how to do it. David, On the Mac/FinMac2k2, you press Option-Spacebar to insert

Re: [Finale] Where to upgrade in Europe?

2003-12-01 Thread Eric Fiedler
Hi Dennis, Having tried it both ways, I would tend now to opt for the local variant, that is, for ordering Finale/Updates from the local distributor. It's sometimes slightly pricier — although with the Euro the playing field seems to have leveled off a good deal — but then again there are alway