Hold it! If you use the "insert systems" command, Finale keeps the
optimization with the music, so there's no need to re-do optimization
for the existing systems. The "insert systems" command was created
for just this sort of situation.
Best wishes,
Michael Cook
At 16:02 -0500 30/11/2003, Dav
On 30 Nov 2003 at 14:49, Paul Hayden wrote:
> At 3:35 PM -0500 11/30/03, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >What happens with optimization when you do this? Doesn't it stay with
> >the original system layout, so that from your insert on, it will be
> >off by two pages?
> Not sure I understand what yo
On 30 Nov 2003 at 14:22, Paul Hayden wrote:
> JD Thomas wrote:
> >Just curious, did you have the other systems locked before inserting
> >Staff Systems? I used to forget to do that when Finale first
> >introduced the lock systems feature long ago.
> Bingo. Right after I responded to you I r
JD Thomas suggested:
>> Try using Insert Systems via the Page Layout tool. This will
preserve what
you have already. You can select the number of measures in each system.
Should do the trick.
I responded:
> Thanks for the suggestion -- it looks like it will work although
> Finale _did_ m