Regarding your trombone problem, perhaps you have reached the polyphonic
limit of your playback module/soundcard? The program may be starting
from the top-down, and by the time it reaches the trombone parts you may
be beyond the capabilities of the sound-card or module. Most midi
playback de
> If you click
>on the slur icons the "Attach to Notes" option in the menu is available, but
>with any other shape it is greyed out.
I'm using (mac fin 2002). Both the gliss and bend smart shapes can be
note attached or score attached.. not just slurs.
Linda Worsley
Andrew Homzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using FinMac 2001d and have two problems:
> 1 - I can't attach the SmartShape trill-line to a note. Upon opening the
> menu, "attach to measures" is checked and the "attach to notes" & "attach to
> noteheads" is grey. Wouldn't one normally want to
I'm using FinMac 2001d and have two problems:
1 - I can't attach the SmartShape trill-line to a note. Upon opening the
menu, "attach to measures" is checked and the "attach to notes" & "attach to
noteheads" is grey. Wouldn't one normally want to attach a trill-line to a
note? How can I ch