Re: [Finale] Staff styles problem followup

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Cook
Yes: I just tried this with a Finale Mac 3.0 file and the clef didn't change. I don't know why this doesn't work, but I have a way round it: - Instead of using "First Clef" in the staff style, click on the Select button next to "Transposition". - In the "Staff Transpositions" dialog that appears

[Finale] Staff styles problem followup

2003-02-11 Thread James
I'm sure by now some of you have tried the staff style, select first clef problem I've mentioned and found that it works just fine on a new file. All of the files I've been trying to do this on were files converted from as far back as Finale2000 (windows vers). I tried it on a new file - defaul