RE: [Finale] instrument list dialog box

2004-03-22 Thread Fisher, Allen
hen re-check these options in Program Options. HTH, Allen -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David H. Bailey Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 5:59 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Finale] instrument list dialog box When you look in the W

Re: [Finale] instrument list dialog box

2004-03-22 Thread David H. Bailey
When you look in the Windows menu, is the Instrument List checked already? If so, then it is already opened. If it isn't checked already, then it isn't opened and I can't begin to see how you couldn't open it. If it is already opened (i.e. checked) an you can't see it, try hiding your taskba

[Finale] instrument list dialog box

2004-03-22 Thread Angela Turner
Dear all,   Since installing the 2004 b update, I've not been able to bring up the instrument list dialog box (under the "window" menu).   Have 2003a installed on the same machine and that displays as expected. The same file in 2004b, or any file for that matter - no instrument list.   I've