Clean install. OS 10.3.5/Fink 0.7.1/Gnucash 1.8.9-14 (binary)
gnome-print is installed. I tried installing ghostscript (as
suggested in an old guppi thread) but still no luck.
Please try installing ghostscript-fonts and then do
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-print
Let me know if this wor
Jamie Caplan wrote:
Clean install. OS 10.3.5/Fink 0.7.1/Gnucash 1.8.9-14 (binary)
gnome-print is installed. I tried installing ghostscript (as suggested
in an old guppi thread) but still no luck.
Please try installing ghostscript-fonts and then do
sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-print
Hi All,
When I attempt to create a report, gnucash crashes with the following
"I can't find the default fonts needed by Guppi.
In 99% of all cases, this means that there is a problem with
your installed version of gnome-print."
Clean install. OS 10.3.5/Fink 0.7.1/Gnucash 1.8.9-14 (binary)