Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: Tweening a very large vector file causes shaking

2008-03-24 Thread Leandro Ferreira
video card? how come? On 3/21/08, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Fuse is really really bad IMO for tweening when performance (like with > your complex vector graphic) is a concern. I dropped it because it > became unusable for me in high stress situations. My current > tweener-of-

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread Omar Fouad
Nothing Changed..The Code is the same and it is not autoadding... By the way I Know that There is allready drawRect() but I will be adding some more functionalities to the class that drawRect has not. On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 1:36 AM, jonathan howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You could just dra

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread laurent
Yes TweenLight shown faster than Tweener on a thousandsss tweens. Then for the 2k/8k size of each it does not make any difference on a 1Mo project. Rest this bezier functionnality that is awesome, in 3D as in 2D. I nerver used Fuse, but choosing between TweenLight and Tweener depends on your pr

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread jonathan howe
You could just draw the rectangle directly on the graphics of the DrawRectangle: graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF); graphics.beginFill(0xFF, .3); graphics.drawRect(_x,_y,_w,_h); Because it extends MovieClip (or Sprite, hopefully, as Steven suggests, it has its o

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread Omar Fouad
Aha I get it... But can I make a work out in order not to put addChild() in the main Class? I mean that once I Make an Instance of the class it adds it on the stage by itself. Thanks On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:27 PM, Cory Petosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > To clarify Jason's response: > > You

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread Cory Petosky
To clarify Jason's response: You're adding two different things. In the first case, you're adding a child movieclip (with a rectangle drawn inside it) to the empty DrawRectangle instance. In the second case, you're adding the DrawRectangle instance to the screen. You should rewrite your init func

RE: [Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread Merrill, Jason
Because within your class which extends MovieClip, you are creating a new MovieClip, which you draw on, and thus also has to be added to the display list. Also, you do know about : right? So what is this class going to accomplish? Any reason you are using MovieClip

[Flashcoders] Custom DrawRectangle Question

2008-03-24 Thread Omar Fouad
I am creating a custom Class that draws a simple rectangle for an application. Here is the class public class DrawRectangle extends MovieClip { public var _w:Number; public var _h:Number; public var _x:Number; public var _y:Number; public

RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Dwayne Neckles
Cool didn't know.. take that back.. > Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:00:57 -0700 > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3 > > Dwayne Neckles wrote: > > ALso > > Tweener allows you to tween frames in movieclips WITH e

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Dwayne Neckles wrote: ALso Tweener allows you to tween frames in movieclips WITH easy... which is pretty darn useful and amazing if you ask me.. I dunno if tweenlite allows that.. Dwayne TweenLite: *Frame tweening* - you can tween to any frame in a MovieClip, like

RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Dwayne Neckles
ALso Tweener allows you to tween frames in movieclips WITH easy... which is pretty darn useful and amazing if you ask me.. I dunno if tweenlite allows that.. Dwayne > Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 12:08:44 -0700 > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > To: > Subject: Re: [F

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
For things like Papervision 3D, where bezier curves are important, Tweener is the obvious choice. For general purposes, though, Tweener is probably overkill. I'm not bashing Tweener or Fuse or any of the other tweening engines out there. For a lot of situations, TweenLite is more than suffic

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Zeh Fernando
While I agree with the speed thing, let's just keep this in context - it's so when you have a lot of tweenings going on at the exact same time. A few tweens won't produce a difference in terms of framerate. If they do, there's something else wrong. Still, I think we should be glad there are so

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Meinte van't Kruis
Tweenlite has one lil thingy against it though; tweens aren't synchronised. It doesn't happen much that this becomes a problem, though I can imagine projects where people want lots of tweens ending at the same time, which simply won't happen with lots of objects in TweenLite, other than that it's p

RE: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread Kerry Thompson
jonathan howe wrote: > Hmm... it is within a class... and that's when I'm getting the warnings. Or > did you mean just in general to reiterate that variables are locally scoped > to functions and classes and not to for loops? If you declare a variable within a function, its scope is limited to th

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Cory Petosky
TweenLite doesn't have bezier curve support, can't store the duration in the options object, doesn't support auto-rounding of pixels, and has significantly fewer transition options. I think TweenLite is great -- if I ever need to tween 1200 things at once, I'll certainly choose it -- but these feat

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread eric e. dolecki
third TweenLite and TweenFilterLite On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Dave Mennenoh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I prefer Tweener, and if you've ever used Fuse you'll like it's syntax. > It's > also quite small - adds about 8K. > > Dave - > Head Developer > > Adobe

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Tweener is proven to be significantly slower than TweenLite, and it's almost 300% larger (TweenLite is 3k vs Tweener's 8k). I'm not telling you what to do. You're welcome to your preference. I prefer to write better, faster, smaller, more efficient code. Different strokes for different folks,

Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Dave Mennenoh
I prefer Tweener, and if you've ever used Fuse you'll like it's syntax. It's also quite small - adds about 8K. Dave - Head Developer Adobe Community Expert ___ Flashcoders ma

Re: [Flashcoders] How to expand import "*" statements?

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Instead of writing var myVar:WhateverClass in FlashDevelop, you can just say new WhateverClass and it will autocomplete it for you. Less to type, less to erase. ___ Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iterator variables

2008-03-24 Thread Meinte van't Kruis
besides, the compiler only warns you that you're about the overwrite the variable, by re-assigning it. In case of 2 loops(where the variable is only used within the loop), it doesn't have any real consequences. On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Cory Petosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Jonathon: >

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iterator variables

2008-03-24 Thread Cory Petosky
Jonathon: In any other language, the scope would be as you describe. AS3 doesn't have block-level scoping -- the most local scope is always the function. Declaring a variable anywhere but the first line of a function is a lie -- the VM declares all variables as the first set of operations after pu

Re: [Flashcoders] Delete ASO Files

2008-03-24 Thread Andrew Sinning
To clarify: the comment in the live docs that mentions problems with shared libraries is in the section under "Delete ASO Files and Test Movie". Andrew Sinning wrote: The comments in the live docs mention that there are some issues with shared libraries ___

[Flashcoders] Delete ASO Files

2008-03-24 Thread Andrew Sinning
I was getting this error "Error creating Flash movie. There was not enough memory available" when I tried to compile a project this morning. I went back to last Thursday's backup and got the same result. Then I loaded the project onto my old laptop and it compiled just fine. Finally, I ran

Re: [Flashcoders] How to expand import "*" statements?

2008-03-24 Thread Andy Herrman
FlashDevelop does that for you in AS2 (and I think AS3, I just haven't gotten to play with that yet). I've pretty much stopped writing imports manually. :) -Andy On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > FWIW, (just noticed you said AS 2.0... the following o

Re: [Flashcoders] books for flash programming

2008-03-24 Thread William Chadwick
Adobe Developer Connection ActionScript Technology Center There's also the LiveDocs site for ActionScript: has a collection of eLearning by Joey Lott that is pretty goo

RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

2008-03-24 Thread Merrill, Jason
I'll second TweenLite... Jason Merrill Bank of America GT&O and Risk L&LD Solutions Design & Development eTools & Multimedia Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community Are you a Bank of America associate interested in innovative learning ideas and technologies? Check out our intern

RE: [Flashcoders] How to expand import "*" statements?

2008-03-24 Thread Merrill, Jason
FWIW, (just noticed you said AS 2.0... the following only works in AS3 in Flex2/3 ) in Flexbuilder if you type in a dummy var statement: private var b:MyClassIAmUsing (where the class name auto-completes) it will automatically add the import statement if you haven't already. I use this technique

Re: [Flashcoders] books for flash programming

2008-03-24 Thread Stuart (FunkDaWeb)
have purchased these following books... Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Bible ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS3: The Art of Design and Animation Advanced Actionscript 3 with Design Patterns Flash C

Re: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Jon Bradley
Oops... my last email was kinda based on the idea that you were running this in Flex. My bad - replying to two lists at once. - jb On Mar 24, 2008, at 8:30 AM, Cor wrote: This throws an error: TypeError: Error #1007: Instan

Re: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Glen Pike
Hi, When Embedding symbols in AS3, you do construct instances of your assets using new VariableName - However, I don't think that the Flash IDE supports this as it does not support the [Embed] metadata type... The only way around this is to u

Re: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Jon Bradley
On Mar 24, 2008, at 8:30 AM, Cor wrote: This throws an error: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor. What am I doing wrong? You can't call new Background_mc() when it's an instance of Class - there's no constructor for it that the compiler recognizes. My

RE: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf'symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
I know, typo in this topic mail but not in my class. Thanks! -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Glen Pike Verzonden: maandag 24 maart 2008 14:16 Aan: Flash Coders List Onderwerp: Re: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf

Re: [Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Glen Pike
Try _myBG = new instead of myBG = new Cor wrote: Hi list, I have a library.swf with a movie clip Background_mc in the library I am trying to embed from this swf into another through a class. In this document class I do: [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='Backgroud_mc')] Private var Backgro

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iterator variables

2008-03-24 Thread Andrew Sinning
You are correct Jonathan, but loop blocks are delimited by brackets, so the "for ( ... )" declaration is outside of the loop block. jonathan howe wrote: I had always thought that the scope of variables declared in the initialization part of the for loop were local to the loop block __

[Flashcoders] Help needed AS3 --> [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='backgroud_mc')]

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
Hi list, I have a library.swf with a movie clip Background_mc in the library I am trying to embed from this swf into another through a class. In this document class I do: [Embed(source='library.swf' symbol='Backgroud_mc')] Private var Background_mc:Class; Private var _myBG:MovieClip Function in

Re: [Flashcoders] books for flash programming

2008-03-24 Thread Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) essential actionscript 3.0 (colin moock) i'd start at these a On 24 Mar 2008, at 07:21, Naveen Bhaskar wrote: I am a flash designer and I am in intermediate in programming.(AS2). anybody pls tellme what are the good books I can refer. or is the

RE: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops:reusingiteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
You should ask the creators of AS3 that. Its their choice -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens jonathan howe Verzonden: maandag 24 maart 2008 9:35 Aan: Flash Coders List Onderwerp: Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops:reusingiterato

Re: [Flashcoders] reparent child to halt scroll

2008-03-24 Thread Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle)
i guess this one's not something you guys want to touch eh? never mind then a On 21 Mar 2008, at 10:16, Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote: noone have the time to look at this one? On 20 Mar 2008, at 15:25, Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) wrote: hi guys i'm a bit stuck with a proje

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusingiteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread jonathan howe
I totally agree with your explanation, and the part that I am being pouty about is: "Why isn't the variable's scope confined to the loop?" a la: for (var i:int = 0; i < limit; i ++) { // variable is instantiated // scope of variable } // variable is discarded instead of it being what sev

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-24 Thread jonathan howe
Here's another reason why I found using that setting to be troublesome. I haven't confirmed it but I believe it interferes with inheritance. For example, let's say I make a symbolA and link it to class SuperClass. Inside symbolA I have a TextField called _txt Then I make a symbolB based on symbolA,

RE: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusingiteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
Indeed, I was talking about AS3 too. For reasoning: Its like the real world -> every object is UNIQUE, therefor there can only exist ONE of it. You can make copies (instances) but they will have there own unique name. You can use it as much as you like but you can't CREATE the same object (within

Re: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread jonathan howe
Hmm... it is within a class... and that's when I'm getting the warnings. Or did you mean just in general to reiterate that variables are locally scoped to functions and classes and not to for loops? I should have mentioned in my subject that this is AS3. So far everyone's alternatives and explanat

RE: [Flashcoders] Variable scope within for loops: reusing iteratorvariables

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
Using it youre way is possible when you do it within a function or class because then they are private by default Other you could use it this way Example 1: for (var i:int = 0; i < someArray.length; i ++) { // do something cool } for (i = 0; i < someOtherArray.length; i ++) { // do

RE: [Flashcoders] Calling Event methods and Other Classes methods.

2008-03-24 Thread Cor
NO, ofcourse it has to be set to public and static. That’s the way to secure your objects and events being triggered or not -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Omar Fouad Verzonden: zondag 23 maart 2008 20:49 Aan: Flash Coders List Onderwerp: R

[Flashcoders] books for flash programming

2008-03-24 Thread Naveen Bhaskar
Hi, I am a flash designer and I am in intermediate in programming.(AS2). anybody pls tellme what are the good books I can refer. or is there any good website for learning programming and also have good tutorials... thanks in advance navii ---

Re: [Flashcoders] Custom MovieClip Classes

2008-03-24 Thread Steven Sacks
Beginners should not be coding AS3. It's really that simple. AS3 requires a whole new level of strict coding practices and is not for beginners. Null pointer exceptions are extremely important to catch because they can cause a Flash app to crash, and the foresight to know where and how those