[Flashcoders] Reusable Playback System in flash

2007-08-03 Thread Prince Zain
Hello Dear friends, I have one project that involves creating a reusable playback system – xml, video, slides, cuepoints, next/back, etc. If anybody knows any open source files that I can edit or worked on simillar projects, please help me. Any help greatly appreciated! With high regards, Xian

[Flashcoders] specific filter

2007-05-07 Thread Prince Zain
Hi, Is there any filter that can change only the specific color in the given movieclip. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thax & regards, Xian. ___ Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com To change your subscription options or search the archive: http://chat

[Flashcoders] Blur effect via action scripting

2007-05-03 Thread Prince Zain
OOoops!!! I am sorry. It is not "blue" but "blur". I have three good quality image in my application. Initially I want all three look blur but when user roll over to it then it will gradually become clear image & when roll out it would be again blur. I can use two images (like one blur & one

[Flashcoders] Blue effect via scripting

2007-05-03 Thread Prince Zain
Hi, Do anybody know how to generate blue effect on mouse roll over on movie clip have bitmap image in it via action scripting. I don't want to use one more blue prototype to show this. Waiting for ur reply. Cheers, Xian ___ Flashcoders@chattyfig.figle

[Flashcoders] Study material for flash certification

2007-05-01 Thread Prince Zain
Hi All, I wanted to know, which is the best study book for flash certification. Also is there any online resources available for the same. I visited the adobe.com but didn't get the sufficient information. Kindly share with me. Thanks in advance. Xian

[Flashcoders] Re: flash Dock

2007-04-30 Thread Prince Zain
Hi Friends, I am new to flash code. Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in vertical format. Here is the like of original code. http://www.reflektions.com/miniml/template_permalink.asp?id=356 The *.fla file is uploaded on following path http://www.pixelmultimedia.

[Flashcoders] OSX Menu -----Cool

2007-04-30 Thread Prince Zain
Hi Friends, I am new to flash code. Can anybody please guide me to make the following code of OSX menu in vertical format. Here is the like of original code. http://www.reflektions.com/miniml/template_permalink.asp?id=356 The *.fla file is uploaded on following path http://www.pixelmultimedia.ne