Thank you for your reply. I've done a lot of research on this problem.
None of the usual causes/solutions to 2032 errors appear to apply.
This is an HTTP POST without using SSL. It's not a caching problem.
Caching is an issue with GET commands, I know that the request really
goes out, and the body
I found a workaround. I can tell Amazon S3 that I want to do a redirect.
Now the response code is "303 See Other", which does not generate the
Opera under Windows suffers from the same problem (not Firefox),
although it apparently does not use the ActiveX adaptor. It uses the
PlugIn. I don'
I checked the packets with Charles ( under Windows.
The request body is over 1KB.
The response packet just says "204 No Content". There is no body.
Obviously, the ActiveX wrapper is taking this to mean that something
went wrong. Again, since I have no information other than "E
I believe I've run into the same problem. I haven't checked the length
of the POST data, but I'll bet it's over 1022 bytes.
This is under Windows XP, Internet Explorer, and the latest Flash
(9,0,115,0). I'm seeing the same behavior with Opera under Windows.
Firefox is fine, Apple Safari (under Win
4 matches
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