[flexcoders] measure() not fired after calling invalidateSize()?

2009-03-24 Thread TJ Downes
function measure():void { super.measure(); dispatchEvent(new PropertyInfoWindowCustomContentEvent(PropertyInfoWindowCustomContentEvent.PROPERTY_TILE_LOADED, data.ccProperty, true)); } Thanks! TJ Downes

[flexcoders] Re: measure() not fired after calling invalidateSize()?

2009-03-24 Thread TJ Downes
Discovered my issue. I was instantiating the class but not creating it in the display list. doh

[flexcoders] LinkBar + ViewStack + Adding and removing children = wierdness

2008-09-23 Thread TJ Downes
Here's the simple use case: I have a viewstack with a few components. Each of these is based on a panel. The linkbar controls the viewstack When the user logs in I remove a child and add two children to the viewstack When the user logs out I remove the two children I previously added and readd

[flexcoders] Re: LinkBar + ViewStack + Adding and removing children = wierdness

2008-09-23 Thread TJ Downes
Hi Tracy Only partially to control what is displayed. The other, and probably most important reason i am choosing this method is to ensure that the containers that are removed are destroyed so that any and all personal information is destroyed when they log in and out... this way I dont have to

[flexcoders] Re: LinkBar + ViewStack + Adding and removing children = wierdness

2008-09-23 Thread TJ Downes
Ya, I've already switched the method to what you suggested. Albeit it feels a bit hackish, and I do believe the method I was using should work properly, otherwise what good is using the viewstack as a dataProvider? ;) However, it did make me rethink how I reset the user, so that's a good thing.

[flexcoders] Are the Formatters buggy or is it just me?

2008-08-27 Thread TJ Downes
I've spent a couple days on this issue and I've come to no resolution. I've spent considerable time in the debugger tracing things down and cannot see where the problem is. Here's the use case: I have a phone number field. On fousOut, I validate the field and if it is a valid phone number I apply

[flexcoders] Flex 3 Pre-Release Tour in Northern California

2008-01-08 Thread TJ Downes
Hi All, just want to announce for everyone in Northern California that Ryan Stewart will be speaking at the NorCal Flex User Group on the 23rd, in Sacramento. For full details check out the UG site at http://www.norcalflex.com. Please RSVP if you plan on attending.

[flexcoders] Re: Save/Recall a Password field?

2008-01-08 Thread TJ Downes
I utilize the SharedObject to save them as hashed values. It's by far the easiest method. TJ Downes Sanative http://www.sanative.net Northern California Flex UG http://www.norcalflex.com

[flexcoders] Re: Save/Recall a Password field?

2008-01-08 Thread TJ Downes
It may not be until late tomorrow before i can post a code sample. I will say this is actually very easy to do if you research the Flex and AS docs, and I cant gaurantee my code will adhere to any best practices. Just a forewarning.

[flexcoders] Re: AIR: HTML components not redraw?

2007-11-13 Thread TJ Downes
Here's a test case: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout=absolute creationComplete=init() mx:Script ![CDATA[ private function init():void {

[flexcoders] Re: AIR: HTML components not redraw?

2007-11-13 Thread TJ Downes
Ok so Adobe has officially replied that this is a bug and will be fixed in the next release: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=72catid=641threadid=1313878enterthread=y Thanks for all the help :P

[flexcoders] Re: AIR: HTML components not redraw?

2007-11-12 Thread TJ Downes
Anyone have any ideas on this one?

[flexcoders] Re: AIR: HTML components not redraw?

2007-11-12 Thread TJ Downes
So I've spent the better half of two days on this one and I am still stuck. It seems for certain this is a redrawing issue of the HTML and HTMLControl components. Sadly, this may end up being a deal breaker for the client

[flexcoders] AIR: HTML components not redraw?

2007-11-10 Thread TJ Downes
I have created an AIR application from an existing AJAX application. The application changes two of the select boxes back to their default state after the user clicks the submit button. In a browser this works fine. In the AIR app the select boxes are reset, except it appears that the components

[flexcoders] Combobox with option groups

2007-11-07 Thread TJ Downes
I would think this would be something folks have had a need for, but after a few hours of searching I can find nothing. I need a combox that groups the options, much like optgroup in html select boxes. Is this possible? Does someone have an example?

[flexcoders] Re: how do I know which object I need to expand?

2007-10-19 Thread TJ Downes
Thanks Alex Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I would not how to get to the top level objects, but what about the sub-level objects? Say I dont know how many levels the collection is nested? Let's say this is my function: private function expandTree(event:CollectionEvent):void {

[flexcoders] how do I know which object I need to expand?

2007-10-18 Thread TJ Downes
I am iterating over a hierarchical XMLList recursively, how do I know which object in the Tree I need to expand?

[flexcoders] Re: how do I know which object I need to expand?

2007-10-18 Thread TJ Downes
Sorry, that may have been a bit vague. I want to expand every node in the tree. So, as i am iterating recursively, how do i dynamically determine the node in the tree matching the node i am currently iterating over?

[flexcoders] Re: searching or filtering a tree

2007-10-16 Thread TJ Downes
Chris, did you find a solution for this problem? --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, zenwarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ignore the comment below. It is acceptable (at least in a hack) to always return true. Sadly, this code example is not working, but it has put me on the right trail.

[flexcoders] Re: Error with calling coldfusion report from Flex

2007-04-02 Thread TJ Downes
Hi Bruce, did you figure this out? i am experience a similar issue. The funny thing is it happens on the client's server but not in my test environment. Thanks! --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, boy_trike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a CFC that tries to run a coldfusion report builder

[flexcoders] Replacing special characters

2007-02-26 Thread TJ Downes
Hey all, Im hoping someone else has experienced this and can provide a simple answer: I am finding that a lot of my work with Flex involves either users cutting and pasting from Word, or I am importing data from external systems. Often there are invalid or special characters, such as apostrophes,

[flexcoders] Re: file download doesnt work?

2007-02-26 Thread TJ Downes
For anyone who may not have found the answer to this problem, I am pretty certain this will solve your problems: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=3637d5c3 TJ --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dimitrios Gianninas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have the code below to

[flexcoders] Mystery space

2007-02-13 Thread TJ Downes
Anyone experience any issues where Flex just throws extra space into the layout, causing elements to jump or get bumped out of their parent containers? I have this issue with an application and have spent the majority of the day trying to resolve it. There are three custom components loaded into

[flexcoders] Re: Mystery space

2007-02-13 Thread TJ Downes
The issue seems to be caused when i populate a datagrid. Not sure why yet, but when I find the solution I'll post it --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, TJ Downes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyone experience any issues where Flex just throws extra space into the layout, causing elements to jump

[flexcoders] Re: Yahoo API: Vote for Flex 2 version

2007-02-09 Thread TJ Downes
Yahoo! AS3 and Flex 2 Libraries part 1 and 2. Shan TJ Downes wrote: Currently the Yahoo Maps Flex API is limited to Flex 1.5. In order to use Yahoo Maps in Flex 2 applications we are forced to hack it in using the Flash API. This works, but is not the easiest or optimal solution

[flexcoders] Yahoo API: Vote for Flex 2 version

2007-02-08 Thread TJ Downes
Currently the Yahoo Maps Flex API is limited to Flex 1.5. In order to use Yahoo Maps in Flex 2 applications we are forced to hack it in using the Flash API. This works, but is not the easiest or optimal solution. Yahoo has implemented a suggestion box. Suggestions are rated by the number of votes

[flexcoders] Re: Yahoo API: Vote for Flex 2 version

2007-02-08 Thread TJ Downes
to get this new version for a LONG time now, because doing this 1.5 hack is for the birds! Thanks for the link - I will vote immediately, if it will help the cause. -Original Message- From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TJ Downes Sent

[flexcoders] Re: Slightly OT: Vista Feedback

2007-01-26 Thread TJ Downes
Eclipse 3.2 has known issues with Vista. I run Flex Builder as a plugin and Eclipse crashes about 10-15x per day on average. 3.3 addresses this issue and runs VERY stable and fast on Vista. Unfortunately Flex Builder has serious issues with 3.3, it wont even build. So if you can deal with the

[flexcoders] Trigger a method a method in a child document

2007-01-22 Thread TJ Downes
Im looking for a way to trigger a method in a child document, namely a custom component, from the parent document. For example, when I click the tab in the parent document that displays my custom component I want the parent document to trigger the init() method in the component to reset itself.

[flexcoders] Re: Trigger a method a method in a child document

2007-01-22 Thread TJ Downes
*sigh* Someday Ill actually contribute a post where the response doesn't make me feel stupid :) I forgot to change the method to public... thanks! It is working fine now