> I am a newbe to flex but looking at your screenshot it looks like
> the preamp
> for RX1 is on and the preamp for RX2 is off. Could that be messing things
> up?
Sigh... I suppose this is what software radio is all about - frustration!!
I have NO idea how the preamp appears to be turned on in
+1 Thanks for the information.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Carol F. Milazzo, KP4MD/W6 <
kp...@cfmilazzo.com> wrote:
> Here is a description of a simple low pass filter with a 510 kHz cutoff
> frequency I built for my FLEX-3000 http://www.qsl.net/kp4md/lpfilter.htm
> Carol, KP4MD/W6
To all those hams that are having trouble getting USB to Serial adapters
with the prolific chipset to work with Windows 7 and Vista.
Here is a link to get the correct drivers that will work with Windows Vista
and Windows 7. http://www.usbserialdrivers.com
I am not connected in any way with thi
Here is a description of a simple low pass filter with a 510 kHz cutoff
frequency I built for my FLEX-3000 http://www.qsl.net/kp4md/lpfilter.htm
Carol, KP4MD/W6
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Has anyone successfully used Splashtop and an iPad to remote their Flex
Radio/PC? i am currently EXPERIMENTING with Splashtop and iPad2 remoting into
a Win7/32 box running the audio via VAC into the Windows audio system (instead
of using Skype). Receive audio works great but I'm having troubl
At 01:45 AM 2/20/2012, Ralph W5JGV wrote:
> Surprised at your observation, I checked my 5000a and noticed that if
> RX1 preamp is off, I get same results on both RXes at 485 KHz, but if
> RX1 preamp is on, the baselines are different and I see an apparent
> difference of 30-something dB.
> Are
I have blissfully experienced 2 years of radio Nirvana with the F3K - until
this past contest weekend.
Halfway through the ARRL DX contest, I got the above message every 20 minutes
or so. At first I thought it might be a corrupted database. I reset the
database but the problem continued. I t
I am a newbe to flex but looking at your screenshot it looks like the preamp
for RX1 is on and the preamp for RX2 is off. Could that be messing things
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