are still there when I lock
> the
> 1500 to the GPSDO. And they disappear when using the internal reference.
> Kjeld/OZ1FF
> Fra: [] På vegne af
> Graham
> Haddock
> Sendt: 2011-04-13 05:07
> Til: Kje] På vegne af Graham
Sendt: 2011-04-13 05:07
Til: Kjeld Bülow Thomsen; FLEXRADIO
Emne: Re: [Flexradio] Flex-1500 spurious when using external reference
Do you have access to another 10 MHz reference that could be substituted and
to compare? It does not have to
Do you have access to another 10 MHz reference that could be substituted and
to compare? It does not have to be high accuracy for the comparison test.
I suspect a 10 kHz switching power supply or some other 10 kHz source
associated with your GPSDO as causing the problem.
You might al
> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 17:23:42
> To:
> Cc: 'ComputerRadio'
> Subject: [Flexradio] Flex-1500 spurious when using external reference
> I’m using my Flex-1500 with transverters on 1,3 – 24 GHz. The radio and most
> of the transverters are lock
: Kjeld Bülow Thomsen
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 17:23:42
Cc: 'ComputerRadio'
Subject: [Flexradio] Flex-1500 spurious when using external reference
I’m using my Flex-1500 with transverters on 1,3 – 24 GHz. The radio and most
of the transverters
Im using my Flex-1500 with transverters on 1,3 24 GHz. The radio and most
of the transverters are locked to a 10 MHz GPS-disciplined oscillator. When
working weak signals there are only very few spurious frequencies. During
the last weeks there has been tropo conditions with signals in the 59 +2
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