I have a similar rookie question...
I set my flex 1500 VAC1 to the windows sound driver that came up when you
clicked on it. Then I set DM780 to the same setting. Everything seems to be
working fine. DM780 decodes psk31 and rrty45 fine. I haven;t tried other
digital modes. I am not using any VAC c
Is there someone who can mentor me with VAC? I have been reading docs, trying
examples from the Flex WIKI, doing trial-and-error etc., but still can’t get
audio I/O using VAC (V.4.12). Frustrated!
I am pretty sure VAC is working, since I can see activity in the VAC Control
I have set up
Try running the VAC control panel as administrator, by right clicking on
its icon and selecting "Run as Administrator" from the menu that pops up.
Unless you run the program as admin, you do not have the necessary
permissions to "Change device property" and Windows responds with an access
denied er
If you're running Windows 7, use "Run as Administrator".
On 02/26/2012 10:37 PM, Ken Alexander wrote:
I know this isn't a VAC support forum, but everyone seems to use it so here
I purchased a copy of VAC last week. Uninstalled my demo version and installed
the full version.
I know this isn't a VAC support forum, but everyone seems to use it so here
I purchased a copy of VAC last week. Uninstalled my demo version and installed
the full version. I'm going through How to Set Up VAC 4.x in the Flex
Knowledge Centre, and my copy of VAC shows one cable that curr
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