>If you run FluidSynth with the -s switch it will start up the TCP/IP
>server on port 9800 by default (the shell.port
setting controls this).
> When making connections to this port (using telnet, netcat, a TCP/IP
>socket, etc) it has the
same format as the standard FluidSynth console
>All of these things can be controlled via MIDI messages, so why don't you
>use the amidi command line app to script
the messages, and just develop
>your little app to take input from your GPIOs and fire those scripts?
That's another
great idea!
Two great suggestions in a few minutes, thanks Gra
compile everything with GCC 4.7.2, because it supports specific ARM Cortex
optimizations and auto-vectorialization
using the NEON SIMD unit; you can gain a nice speed boost.
'-march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a7 -ffast-math -
mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -Ofast'
>On Aug 11, 2013
Hello everyone,
first of all: a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to everyone here for Fluidsynth.
It's a wonderful application, I
like and use it a lot!
I'm running Fluidsynth 1.1.6 on a small Arm board running Linux (something
like a Cubieboard.
Say a RaspPi on steroids).
I recompiled everything to gain as