>Forgive me if I'm too newbie, but I'd also like to know more about
>"generators" since you mentioned it.
Please go to https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/wiki/SoundFont and read
"introduction to soundfont".
fluid-dev mailing list
>I see gen 17 is pan, for example, but it didn't seem to work for me. What is
>the input range for those, 0-127 as well? Does the soundfont need to have this
>enabled somehow? I should also edit the soundfont to test those?
For the pan generator (17) you don't need to edit the soundfont becau
I guess min/max for gen_pan is -500 to 500, well, I tested that in a couple
of fonts and nothing happened, so, should this work automatically or does
the font need to be edited for that?
Em seg., 11 de jan. de 2021 às 00:43, Alexandre Torres Porres <
por...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Em dom.,
Em dom., 10 de jan. de 2021 às 22:56, Ceresa Jean-Jacques <
jean-jacques.cer...@orange.fr> escreveu:
> Right. Assuming you are using any SF2 soundfont synthesizer, the soundfont
> must contain a "modulator" to capture "polyphonic (key) aftertouch
> pressure" MIDI event and route this event to a gi
>I found a font with channel aftertouch pressure and it works fine, but if I
>try the same font with polyphonic (key) aftertouch pressure, it doesn't work.
>I guess it's not automatic that a font that uses channel aftertouch will just
>work with key aftertouch, right?
Right. Assuming you
I found a font with channel aftertouch pressure and it works fine, but if I
try the same font with polyphonic (key) aftertouch pressure, it doesn't
work. I guess it's not automatic that a font that uses channel aftertouch
will just work with key aftertouch, right? So I needed a font that supports
Hi, I'm working on an external for Pd and want to test channel and key
aftertouch, so I'm looking for a free font that uses it, anyone knows any?
While we're at it, I also need to test a font with more than one bank.
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