RE: how to pass param to template that will be used as an tag att ribu te

2004-08-06 Thread Robert . Walker
-Original Message- From: Jim Hopp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 11:48 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: how to pass param to template that will be used as an tag attribu te xsl:with-param name=col_alignment select='left'/ Jim, I tried

RE: how to pass param to template that will be used as an tag att ribu te

2004-08-06 Thread Robert . Walker
J.Pietschmann/anyone, can you point me to an example I already have ticks around the value I am using xsl:with-param name=col_alignment select='left'/ but in the template definition, i use xsl:template name=ROW_HEADER xsl:param name=col_alignment/ fo:block

RE: how to pass param to template that will be used as an tag att ribu te

2004-08-06 Thread Robert . Walker
thats the ticket, thank you, i looked in my book but could not find -Original Message- From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 4:31 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: how to pass param to template that will be used as an tag attribu te [EMAIL

RE: created pdf via FOP, try to load via https and get unsafe Act iveX control msg

2004-08-02 Thread Robert . Walker
thanks for the hints John, I may have to rewrite with the application/pdf mime type, but back to the FOP thingy it seems if I do not use https the pdfs load fine in IE (and mozilla) once I turn on https, IE says This page provides potentially unsafe information to an ActiveX control. Your

created pdf via FOP, try to load via https and get unsafe ActiveX control msg

2004-07-30 Thread Robert . Walker
hi all, I am creating pdfs via FOP, they look awesome!!! I really like FOP and appreciate all the hard work that went into it, anyhow the pdfs are stored in tomcat webapp, I unabled https and try to hit a url like https://box:8443/rss/reports/BillInvoice.pdf in mozilla, I pops right up, wish

want to fop to generate ZapfDingbats scissors character

2004-06-18 Thread Robert . Walker
hi all, I am using FOP to go from xml-to-pdf and have a remmitence stub that has a dotted line indicating where to cut it off and mail it in, then I saw this neat ZapfDingbats scissor char [x2702] at and would like to put this precedding the dots,

RE: Print PDF !!!

2004-04-02 Thread Robert . Walker
you can print pdfs from within java, assuming have xml and xsl use the follwoing (i found they do not print exactly like adobe does though, so in some cases it might not be what you need) public class PrintFop { // -xml xmlinputfile.xml // -xsl xslinputfile.xsl // output to printer //

RE: Print PDF !!!

2004-04-02 Thread Robert . Walker
yea, i went through this a onth ago and the only way to have a pdf pop out the printer from java was to use the above approach, postscript did not work for me, sonce there were diff in the printed doc, i went with runtime exec and called abode32.exe -Original Message- From: Chris

RE: How can I get the sum() ???

2004-03-29 Thread Robert . Walker
if invoke apply-template on the order node then i think this would work sum(price)*sum(qty) prob a better way though -Original Message- From: Eric Chow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:51 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: How can I get the sum() ??? Hello, How

repeatable header (implemented with table) at top of every page?

2004-02-26 Thread Robert . Walker
hi all, i have spent 2 hours looking for an example. I am sure one exists so i apologize in advance for asking this lame question. I hate bothering people but am at my wits end. I need some example code that will give a repeatable header at top of every page. I have it printing out a one liner

RE: running FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically

2004-02-19 Thread Robert . Walker
Title: RE: running "FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print" programmatically hi all, well I have some advice for anyone using the -print option to print pdf files seems that do not look the same as when the same xformation is output to a .pdf file and opened with adobe in my case it did not

RE: running FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically

2004-02-17 Thread Robert . Walker
thanks all, especially robb for his code snippet, what I did in the interim till i figure a better solution is to create a MyFop class which is basically a with a constructor (Fop only has main() method) thats takes String myArgs [] = {-xml, test.xml,

running FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically

2004-02-16 Thread Robert . Walker
Hi all, in order to do a batch print of pdf files that are on my customers local pc, I would like to run the equivalent of FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically, is there another way than resorting to a Runtime.getRuntime().exec(..) this is what I am thinking I have to do, but would

RE: running FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically

2004-02-16 Thread Robert . Walker
thanks for the replies, how would ant help me here. I did not explain correctly i think. they have a swing client, the select some criteria thats results in selecting 5 pdfs on the server, I java-ftp them from server to client and store them in tmp dir, then I was going to run FOP -xml 1.xml

RE: running FOP -xml 1.xml -xsl 2.xsl -print programmatically

2004-02-16 Thread Robert . Walker
andreas, that was a good idea, but it is not supported I changed driver.setRenderer(Driver.RENDER_PDF); to driver.setRenderer(Driver.RENDER_PRINT); but get a exception thrown from Driver class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Use renderer form of setRenderer() for PRINT at

RE: How turn off logger?

2004-02-06 Thread Robert . Walker
from the same link, If you want FOP to be totally silent you can also set an org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.NullLogger instance -Original Message- From: Flemming Jønsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 9:46 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: How turn off

RE: Why is FOP MUCH slower the first time than all other runs?

2004-02-06 Thread Robert . Walker
its prob has something to do with caching of with the fact that reflection is used first time to find calss and instantiate it, but there after its in the class loader could add a context listener to tomcat startup and it does the first xform on container startup -Original Message-

request for java code snippet to XML- XSL-FO - PDF

2004-02-04 Thread Robert . Walker
hi all, on the command line I am doing a java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -xsl billing_reports.xsl -xml billing_reports.xml -pdf billing_reports.pdf to transform xml to pdf. can someone send a java code snippet on how to do this from within a java app thanks

RE: fo to pdf conversion error

2004-02-03 Thread Robert . Walker
did u try to use colspan as a table attribute or go over the num table cols declared, that seems to be what the message is stating, can u send the url of the xhtml - fo you are using I am looking for one also -Original Message- From: Saigeetha Govindarajan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: fo to pdf conversion error

2004-02-03 Thread Robert . Walker
i am not usre about this lib for converting xhtml to fo, but the one on the web I found is at and it states it does not handle colspan i ended up using apache for .20.5 i use xsl to convert xml into xsl-fo, which can then be run

RE: stylesheets for XHTML - XSL-FO

2004-01-30 Thread Robert . Walker has an example with a html_to_fo.xsl I think I have tried it got a few unresolved tags or attributes i think it works but not with apache fop-.20.5 I had to go in an change a few small pieces please let me know how it goes cause I would