Re: [fpc-pascal] Generic type conflicts

2019-11-02 Thread Cyrax via fpc-pascal
On 02/11/2019 16:55, Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal wrote: I've wanted to make a generic version of a vector for a while but I always give up because it seems not very possible. It's probably not even a great idea because many methods don't translate between float and integer but I wanted to preve

Re: [fpc-pascal] Challenge accepted

2019-08-15 Thread Cyrax
On 15/08/2019 00:14, Joost van der Sluis wrote: Op 11-08-19 om 12:28 schreef Michael Van Canneyt: [snip] Another thing, can you help me setting up some kind of git-repository on the FPC-infrastructure? Or don't you have any plans in that direction? Regards, Joost. _

Re: [fpc-pascal] Getting multiple files from GetOpenFileNameA

2019-05-21 Thread Cyrax
On 21.5.2019 22.12, James Richters wrote: This is the function I came up with to use GetOpenFileNameA() to get multiple files, and put the file names all into a StringList. I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong here because I can run this in a loop sometimes 2 or 4 times, or sometim

Re: [fpc-pascal] Compile for WinCE 7, target ARM, CPU Cortex-A9

2019-04-09 Thread Cyrax
On 9.4.2019 12.45, LacaK wrote:     Note that you probably don't need two different cross     compilers if your cpu-OS target is the same     Target CPU family is same: "arm", but Target processor is not     the same: "ARMv4" versus "ARMv7" ...     So I do not know

Re: [fpc-pascal] bug in make install ?

2019-03-26 Thread Cyrax
On 24.3.2019 19.36, Bart wrote: On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 6:10 PM Joost van der Sluis wrote: Note: I see several times a window (console?) flash when starting up Lazarus now. Maybe add poNoConsole to ProcessOptions ? It's a bit annoying now. Can you test if this actually works on Windows (on L

Re: [fpc-pascal] Building trunk

2018-11-30 Thread Cyrax
On 30/11/2018 12:23, Cyrax wrote: On 30/11/2018 11:12, C Western wrote: On 30/11/2018 04:23, Cyrax wrote: On 30/11/2018 00:53, C Western wrote: On 26/11/2018 22:46, - - wrote: An additional note - it may well be a ld version issue. On Ubuntu the ld version is 2.30, but on Fedora ld reports

Re: [fpc-pascal] Building trunk

2018-11-30 Thread Cyrax
On 30/11/2018 11:12, C Western wrote: On 30/11/2018 04:23, Cyrax wrote: On 30/11/2018 00:53, C Western wrote: On 26/11/2018 22:46, - - wrote: An additional note - it may well be a ld version issue. On Ubuntu the ld version is 2.30, but on Fedora ld reports 2.31.1-13.fc29. (Maybe I should

Re: [fpc-pascal] Building trunk

2018-11-29 Thread Cyrax
On 30/11/2018 00:53, C Western wrote: On 26/11/2018 22:46, - - wrote: An additional note - it may well be a ld version issue. On Ubuntu the ld version is 2.30, but on Fedora ld reports 2.31.1-13.fc29. (Maybe I should have held off upgrading to Fedora 29...) Colin _

Re: [fpc-pascal] Building trunk

2018-11-25 Thread Cyrax
On 25/11/2018 14:58, Jonas Maebe wrote: On 25/11/18 13:51, Florian Klämpfl wrote: I am not aware that somewhere a fixed offset is applied. All info is read from the auxiliary data and the header. You can have a load address offset in case there is a PT_PHDR. From

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows API SendMessage()

2017-08-09 Thread Cyrax
On 10/08/17 04:27, James Richters wrote: I'm trying to use SenMessage() to turn the display on or off under program control of a console application.I got the function to work, and it turns off the display, but then the program just hangs. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Here's

Re: [fpc-pascal] Best way to insert bytes into a TBytes variable?

2017-07-28 Thread Cyrax
On 27/07/17 18:17, wrote: On 2017-07-25 11:00, Martok wrote: Ideally the function should be portable between FPC and Delphi XE5... You'd only need your own functions for Delphi, FPC's intrinsics such as Insert() can already work with arrays: var b, c: TBytes; begin b:= TB

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can class function used in specialized class use intristic functions Low, High with generic type ?

2017-04-21 Thread Cyrax
On 20.04.2017 14:37, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote: Am 20.04.2017 13:02 schrieb "LacaK" : Hi *, I have some generic class: generic T2DNumericArray = object(specialize T2DArray) public class function Truncate(Value: double): T; inline; ... In class function Truncate I wan