Hi all,
previously, as can be read below, Konstantyn sent me a description on
how the ukrainian keyboard layout should be, according to ukrainian
standard 2019-91.
Today, I received another message from him, stating that the layout he
had described was actually how he thinks it must be - there
Hello Henrique,
Thanx for the great job! I really appreciate your efforts, but just FYI
I think, that I need to point a few moment you may be not aware of.
First: all keyboards, shipped to local market after about 2000 has same
physical layout, which is most close to 2019-91 (if you interested I c
Hello Konstantyn, Escape - and all to whom it may concern,
I have just prepared and revised all ukrainian keyboard layouts, which,
as I have found on the web, are 5:
1) The one which follows ukrainian standard 2019-91, as Konstantyn
Sadovoy explained to me. It provides "ґ/Ґ" at the left of <1>.