postgresql + freeradius

2002-11-21 Thread mcelleri
clear } and this is my entry: id | username | attribute | value | op +--+---+--+ 1 | mcelleri | User-Password | camaleon | := but when I prove to login with radtest ...the debug mode radiusd -X , gives me this : rad_recv: Access-Request packet from

(no subject)

2002-11-21 Thread mcelleri
Hi, I'm working with postgresql and pap authorize module..I have an entry in the radcheck table of my database that contains a clear text passwod for the user, so I change this value in the pap module in radius.conf like this: pap { encryption_scheme = clear } -

freeradius + postgresql

2002-11-18 Thread mcelleri
Hi everybody ...At my company we were working with the Cistron Radius...but now we have to upgrade it to the freeradius server, we were working with authentication based in the shadow and the passwd files in our Linux 8.0 Sever but now we want to make the freeradius work with a postgreslq databas