Re: Setup and PEAP

2004-05-10 Thread Margrete Raaum
On Mon, 10 May 2004, Alejandro Bonilla wrote: Hi, I'm new to FreeRADIUS. I have tried to use it and couldn't get to know how to get the correct authentication method Setup. I'm trying to setup a WRT54G with a WPA RADIUS, which asks for a Shared Key which I was able to set, also I was able to set

freeradius at Networld+Interop (again)

2004-04-06 Thread margrete . raaum
We will be running freeradius as part of demos in the iLabs/LAN access security at Networld+Interop in Las Vegas May 11-13 2004. Right now (working on the demos) we are running EAP TLS/MD5/PEAP/TTLS/LEAP (freeradius-snapshot-20040402) both