That command looks right. If the unusual volume was derived in a
voxel-for-voxel way from the DTI, then its registration should be just
as good
On 04/20/2017 12:11 PM, Jacobson, Aaron wrote:
> Thanks a lot! That worked well! The registration is not perfect, but it is
> much better than the ori
Thanks a lot! That worked well! The registration is not perfect, but it is much
better than the original.
I used the command:
mri_vol2vol --mov PathTo/UnusualData.nii.gz --targ PathTo/orig.nii.gz --interp
nearest --o PathTo/UnusualData_toT1reg.nii.gz --reg PathTo/dti2t1.dat
Is there anything
Yes, when using mri_vol2vol or mri_vol2surf, spec the unusual data set
as the --mov but pass the bbregister registration to the --reg flag.
On 04/20/2017 11:41 AM, Jacobson, Aaron wrote:
> Absolutely, thanks for looking into this.
> I have 3 datasets:
> 1. T1 anatomical
> 2. DTI
> 3. Unusual
Absolutely, thanks for looking into this.
I have 3 datasets:
1. T1 anatomical
2. DTI
3. Unusual dataset (derived from DTI) that does not have a contrast that
bbregister can use to register the data
I want to register the unusual dataset (#3) to the T1 anatomical.
Since the unusual dataset can
I don't know what you are trying to do. Can you elaborate?
On 04/19/2017 07:26 PM, Jacobson, Aaron wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to freesurfer. I have been looking for an answer to this
> issue for days.
> I ran bbregister to align a dti scan to a t1 struc.
> It worked beautifully.
> I am t
I am new to freesurfer. I have been looking for an answer to this issue for
I ran bbregister to align a dti scan to a t1 struc.
It worked beautifully.
I am trying to register a very abnormal looking dataset to the t1 using the
registration parameters created during the first bbre