Pascal Schirrmann a écrit :
> Hi,
> Me again...
> Since some days, I still haven't any more font display in the
> idlebar.encoding plugin.
OK, forget it...
I really don't understand why, but since I did the test starting freevo
with -fs, now the font is back here.
Better, I just saw f
Just speak too fast about freevo 1.7 bug free... Should turn my tong
seven time in my mouth before speaking (direct French translation :-) )
OK, just want to put nice icons in front of my TV channels (Icons were
missing since long time, but this was not really a priority :-) )
I tried
Tanja wrote:
> Hi,
> I started to create a nativ kaa.epg module for
> 1.) Which channels should be filled to the database?
> At the moment I fill every channel to the database. As
> provides all epg for all channels in one zip archive, the question is
> just if w
Tanja wrote:
> OK, but maybe it should tell the user to start tvdev, because it is
> irritation to have the tvserver running and still no channels available.
Right, but without a tvdev running you can't watch the channel. You
could record and hope that the tvdev is there when the recording
I started to create a nativ kaa.epg module for
It seems not to be that difficult, but I encountered the following problems:
1.) Which channels should be filled to the database?
At the moment I fill every channel to the database. As
provides all epg for all channels i