FW - Chainletter Capitalism

1997-10-07 Thread Thomas Lunde
Quotes from The Growth Illusion by Richard Douthwaite Page 82 Chapter Ned Ludd was Right I start this quote after a metaphor in which he used an imaginary country called Erewhon to illustrate his statement, "One of the distortions was that new technologies made people redundant without the

FW A couple little tales from Dothwaite

1997-10-07 Thread Thomas Lunde
The Growth Illusion by Douthwaite Quote from Chapter 9 What Has All the Growth Done Page 168 I just love this little anecdote that follows, which, vast reader that I am, had never heard of before. Imagine learning it from a book by an Irish professor over 25 years after the events described

FW-L Rebuttal of 10 Principles of Accountability

1997-10-07 Thread Thomas Lunde
ring about. They must state why they think the outcomes they intend are desirable and fair. Thomas Lunde replies: The only way I think this would ever come about is through a device such as was advertised several years ago that claimed to be able to tell when someone was lying by an analys

FW - Brief Response to Grieber Article

1997-10-04 Thread Thomas Lunde
Magic word, overcapacity, read instead the shift of income from labour to investment income over the last 20 or so years has literally taken money out of the consumer market where it could buy goods and services and circulate - this lack of money in the consumer market has been compensated for

FW New Career choices of the 21st Century

1997-10-02 Thread Thomas Lunde
I was responding to a friend on the West Coast who has been a bus driver for BC Transit for the last 25 years and who E Mailed me about his car troubles. (soon to be a thing of the past) I started to answer and this little tale rolled out of my humerous side. I share it with you in the spirit

FW Will My Daughters Be Serfs?

1997-09-30 Thread Thomas Lunde
Will My Daughters Be Serfs? I have just spent a couple of hours reading Fossilgate which was on the FutureWork List. It was about as exciting as a trip through Dante's Inferno on your deathbed, in fact it could be an industrialized version of the future for consumers rather than souls. The

FW Response to Land Reform proposal put forward by Ed Mueller

1997-09-29 Thread Thomas Lunde
This was an essay I developed in response to Ed Mueller's comments on land reform before we closed the Colorado address. I do not think it made it onto FW list and I hope this isn't a duplicate posting, but I put a lot of work in it and developed some viewpoints so here goes again. Thomas

FW More Douthwaite - I really love this guy.

1997-09-10 Thread Thomas Lunde
The Growth Illusion by Douthwaite Quote from Chapter 9 What Has All the Growth Done Page 168 I just love this little anecdote that follows, which, vast reader that I am, had never heard of before. Imagine learning it from a book by an Irish professor over 25 years after the events described

FW Land Reform - It ain't going to work!

1997-09-09 Thread Thomas Lunde
This may be a double posting as I sent this out last week but have not seen it posted - perhaps in our changing to Waterloo it got lost or I don't know how to find it in the new system - anyway - here it is again This is in response to Mr. Mueller's comments on land reform as a potential

FW Capitalism is the Problem - Douthwaite

1997-09-09 Thread Thomas Lunde
The more I read and study this problem of unemployment, the more I am led to the conclusion that the "root" causes lay within our capitalistic system of distributing goods and services which are produced by human beings in activities that we selectively label "employment". Many of the other

No Subject

1997-09-08 Thread Thomas Lunde

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