Re: [fw-general] ZendX_JQuery regional

2009-08-13 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
How to enable translation of ZendX_JQuery DatePicker? How to set 'regional' option? I tried setJQueryParams and setOptions, but nothing changes. I do the following in my view script: $this->jQuery()->addJavaScriptFile( $this->baseUrl('/scripts/jquery/ui.datepicker-de.js') ); The file ui.da

Re: [fw-general] SubForms | MultiPage Forms | Validation

2009-07-15 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Shaun Farrell wrote: Question about multi page forms using subforms. Ok so I have been looking at the example on

Re: [fw-general] SVN tags for ZendX

2009-03-11 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Carlton Gibson schrieb: I'm looking to checkout the ZendX library as a svn:external. I was hoping to just target a release tag but there aren't any defined in /extras/tags. In the meantime I'll target the revision shipped with the latest distribution but would it be possible to get tags set u

Re: [fw-general] Zend Auth Adapter Http takes user supplied realm by default?

2009-03-04 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Bryce Lohr wrote: Unlike Digest authentication, Basic authentication does not specify that the credentials supplied by the user include the name of the realm they are authenticating against. Only the username and password are sent to the server. Therefore, the adapter doesn't have a way to chec

[fw-general] Zend Auth Adapter Http takes user supplied realm by default?

2009-03-04 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, I've been using the http auth adapter lately and noticed something strange. I tried to use different realms for different areas of my site. Once I authenticated for one realm, the browser would send this one as soon as I entered another realm. And here it comes, it did authenticate

[fw-general] ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_AutoComplete does not work in current state

2009-01-30 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_AutoComplete does not render the javascript right, so the autocomplete element does not work. The autocomplete function expects the first paramter to be the url or the data, but the helper renders them in the options object. So url or data need to be extract

[fw-general] Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox rendering via renderViewHelper

2009-01-30 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi all, Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox, does not render right when rendered via renderViewHelper(). The checked and unchecked values are both zero in that case. The problem seems to be that checkValue and unCheckedValue are passed to the decorators only in the render method of the element. Dont k

[fw-general] Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_CheckBox issues

2008-08-06 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_CheckBox generates an invalid id (in array notation) when used in subform (i.e. terminal[new] instead of terminal-new). Besides that it generates an option attribute with value "0 1". Both issues are not XHTML compliant. Cheers Jan

[fw-general] Zend_Dojo_Subform generates name attribute for tabContainer ContentPane

2008-08-06 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, Zend_Dojo_Subform generates a name attribute for the surrounding tabContainer-contentPane-div, which is not XHTML compliant. I guess the decorator just takes the value from the Subform. Cheers Jan

[fw-general] Zend_Validate_Float with locale filtering

2008-08-06 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, Zend_Validate_Float does not seem to validate right with locales set. The function isValid() uses localeconv() to replace the thousands separator and decimal point. But this only works if I have setup the php locale with setlocale(). But if I do that, floatval() later on will return a l

[fw-general] MSIE error with Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo_Container

2008-08-06 Thread Jan Wagner-Rosenkranz
Hi there, as stated once here on the mailing list, there is a small bug with dojo on MSIE. The jscript error with undefined is a result of the onload zendDijit function. The error goes away if I replace if (null !== n) { with if (null != n) { in Zend/Dojo/View/Helper/Dojo/Container.php:736