[fw-general] Zend_Tool Modules Config

2010-03-13 Thread jiewmeng
i was testing out Zend_Tool to generate modules and i think by default, the output is something like /application /models /views /controllers /modules /blog /models /... and the config still does not have resources.frontController.moduleDirectory

[fw-general] Starting with Zend_OpenId login

2010-07-12 Thread jiewmeng
i am trying to get started with Zend_OpenId login but i am stuck at require_once "Zend/OpenID/Consumer.php"; $consumer = new Zend_OpenId_Consumer(); if (!$consumer->login("https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id";, "oid_return.php")) { die("failed"); } this always fails. i also tried using h

[fw-general] Books or resource to learn Zend Framework 1.10

2010-07-21 Thread jiewmeng
i am looking for resources to learn ZF1.10. i have read http://www.survivethedeepend.com/zendframeworkbook/en/1.0 surviving the deep end found it good. except that as it went into View helpers and optimization i was lost. also i think its not complete yet? i wonder if theres any books/tutorial

[fw-general] Re: How do i setup Autoloading of PHP 5.3 namespaced classes and specify a base path?

2010-07-26 Thread jiewmeng
do the same in Zend Framework? On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Wil Moore III [via Zend Framework Community] > wrote: > jiewmeng wrote: > but what if i want to load my own namespaced classes Doctrine > Entities/Models & Proxies. in a specific directory? where shld my Doctrine > M

[fw-general] Zend_Navigation: Breadcrumbs not rendered when i have request params

2010-07-31 Thread jiewmeng
i have setup Zend_Navigation and breadcrumbs seems to work only without query strings. say i have setup my navigation like ... ... array( 'label' => 'Posts', 'controller' => 'post', 'pages' => array( array( 'label' => 'view', 'controller' => 'post',

[fw-general] What is the right way of setting default decorators for Zend_Form elements

2010-08-03 Thread jiewmeng
i currently set my default decorators for my Zend_Form using a class extending from Zend_Form ... i didnt want to just use $this->setElementDecorators() because i will use the same decorators for all forms in the app class Application_Form_Abstract extends Zend_Form { ... function loadD

[fw-general] Zend_Navigation menu links rendering bug?

2010-08-06 Thread jiewmeng
i am having this scenario where when i goto a url like /posts/add, my menu items will all render posts/add. when i goto /posts its all right my http://pastebin.com/RfAfxkwE nav config -- View this message in context: http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Zend-Navigation-menu

[fw-general] Errors persisting Doctrine 2 entity once user is logged in with Zend_Auth

2010-08-14 Thread jiewmeng
i am having problems persisting a Doctrine 2 entity (Post) when the User is logged in with Zend_Auth. i am quite sure its the login as the code runs, when the user is logged out, and fails once the user is logged in. and it seems that the identity returned from the Zend_Auth::authenticate() plays

[fw-general] Re: Errors persisting Doctrine 2 entity once user is logged in with Zend_Auth

2010-08-16 Thread jiewmeng
it turns out its neither Zend's nor Doctrine's fault. i forgot i set the user to the logged in user in the prePersist() -- View this message in context: http://zend-framework-community.634137.n4.nabble.com/Errors-persisting-Doctrine-2-entity-once-user-is-logged-in-with-Zend-Auth-tp2325115p23267

[fw-general] Seeking guidance on implementing ACL

2010-12-22 Thread jiewmeng
Suppose I have the following models/resources - Projects (has many Lists) - Lists I want only owners of the project to be able to add lists. How can I implement that in Zend_Acl? I think Assertion are the the way to go. But how does $acl->allow($user, $project, 'add', $assertion); // for a

[fw-general] RE: Seeking guidance on implementing ACL

2010-12-22 Thread jiewmeng
> just deny it. But I want to allow if the user is the owner of the project to add lists to the project. I think I can't use just $acl->allow($user, 'lists', 'add') as I must check if the user is a collaborator of the project. eg. /lists/add?projId=1 only users who are owner of proj

[fw-general] Re: Seeking guidance on implementing ACL

2010-12-22 Thread jiewmeng
> If you pass your user (instanceof Acl_Role_Interface) and project (instanceof Acl_Resource_Interface) to the ACL, you're able to check the project's owner Yes I am trying to implement that, but it seems counter intuitive Yes, I can pass any instanceof Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface to Zend_Acl_As

[fw-general] No default module defined for application, Zend_Test

2010-12-22 Thread jiewmeng
() { $this->dispatch('/projects'); $this->assertController('auth'); $this->assertAction('login'); } public function testAccessToAllowedPageWorks() { $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $authAdapter = new Application_Auth_Ada

[fw-general] Zend_Navigation menu works but not breadcrumbs

2011-01-29 Thread jiewmeng
I have configured my zend navigation menu like Config: http://pastebin.com/B212uWKz public function _initNavigation() { $config = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/navigation.xml', 'nav'); $navigation = new Zend_Navigation($config); $this->bootstrap('view'); $view = $this

[fw-general] How to create “Dynamic” Zend Navigation

2011-01-29 Thread jiewmeng
With Zend_Navigation, I can do something like Home > Projects > Collaborators but What if I want something more useful Home > Project name > Collaborator name How can I acheive this? Is it a good idea? Possibly, there would be performance issues? Cos it got to query up the hierarchy? But whate