Re: List Behaviour (Was: Moving to Google Groups)

2006-02-26 Thread phoenix
Quoth Amber Robey : If the message does show up - you know you are subscribed and have also contributed something meaningful to the group at the same time. There's just one little problem, Amber. I'm receiving list mail from both the old group and the new group -- and that's quite OK,

Re: List Behaviour (Was: Moving to Google Groups)

2006-02-26 Thread phoenix
Quoth Tim : Did you subscribe for this address? Yes. And, according to Laurent, is subscribed to the Google g-books list. Whenever I try to post to the Google-based list, I get: You do not have permission to post to group g-books. You may need to join

Re: List Behaviour (Was: Moving to Google Groups)

2006-02-26 Thread phoenix
Quoth Laurent Daudelin : I would try to unsubscribe then resubscribe. Tried that just now. We'll see if it works. Side note: I'm having pointing device issues on my 14 G4 iBook. Trackpad sometimes freezes, then works OK, then freezes again. Tried it with a USB mouse, and had same

Re: test... Ignore this, I'm just seeing if I've got the correct address to send my message to...

2006-02-26 Thread phoenix
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Please, subscribe to the new Google Groups list, which we're transitioning over to, from the old MacLaunch lists. address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] As soon as Google Groups gets its s#!t together, anyway. After unsubscribing and resubscribing there, I'm still

Re: software to capture stills from DVD ?

2006-02-26 Thread phoenix
Quoth cqdiep : this is a test That's either incredibly ignorant, or embarrassingly asinine. I've counted no less than five rather politely-worded admonitions concerning test posts in the past day, and now this... Please, if you're gonna' test-post the list, use some stealth and cloak

Re: OS upgrades

2006-02-25 Thread phoenix
Quoth Ken Neff : Could anyone tell me if the free Apple OS upgrades are available on CD? I have OS X 10.4 and want to upgrade to 10.4.5. Problem is that the upgrade is 124 MB and I have a dial-up connection. Software update informed me it would take from 12 to 18 hours to download. My spouse

Re: Top-Bottom Posting Clarification

2006-02-03 Thread phoenix
Quoth sandra ragan : In Safari I found that there is a pref setting for sending your signature to the bottom In /Safari/? Please don't mistake this for nit-picking, but I'm genuinely curious if it's Safari (the web browser) or that you're talking about -- or some other program. I

Re: Rules

2006-02-03 Thread phoenix
Quoth Tim Collier : Fine, I give in! I'll 'attempt' to bottom post out of courtesy to the rest of you. I don't like it, but I like this list. I think that's about all anyone's asked, really. I do not plan to unsubscribe. Well, that's good. No, seriously, I mean that's /good/. No

Re: Reminder: LowEndMac lists rules

2006-02-02 Thread phoenix
Quoth CG Bacani : Let admit it, they just want to re-invent the wheel and make a different on whose on top and below. Problem is almost all email programs make as default, posting on top!!! But we can abide and violate once in a while. Perhaps we can call this freedom of style From RFC

Re: Reminder: LowEndMac lists rules

2006-02-02 Thread phoenix
Quoth Woody Duncan : Most people know how to highlight text, hit delete, move the courser and type information into a new location. Why would you need to set your e-mail program to reply to any message. Am I missing something, Woody Woody, Retired in Albuquerque But, that's so much

Re: [OT] The old days [Was:Re: Reminder: LowEndMac lists rules]

2006-02-02 Thread phoenix
Quoth Caleb Cupples : The size of programs and the amount of memory and processing power that is needed to run them has really gotten out of hand. You would think it would be the reverse. I could do 90% of what I do now with my Lombard running OS 9.2.2 with 192 MB of RAM on my 190 running

Re: OT /Note to list...

2006-02-02 Thread phoenix
Quoth Woody Duncan : Let's get on with asking questions about computer problems and offering possible solutions. That sounds pretty un-American to me... [grins] Personally I am all in favor of breaking rules. But I reserve my protests for things that are of major importance. I'll do my

Re: Best Wireless Solution for Pismo?

2006-01-31 Thread phoenix
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Anyone have an idea of the best solution to update a G3 500 Pismo with wireless capabilities? Old fashioned plain ol' dull boring Airport card. Works great in mine. A.J. -- G-Books is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

Re: downloading movies

2006-01-22 Thread phoenix
Quoth a listmate: Copying a movie you purchased (that act itself) is clearly not theft. Violation of fuzzy, poorly-defined, badly written legislation purchased by corporate interests? Yes, it is that. I think the more pertinent question that hasn't been addressed (if it has, I'm sorry