How to link Wallstreet 9.2.2 and iBook G3 10.3.9 by ethernet?

2005-10-10 Thread Stanton Mitrany
On Oct 8, 2005, at 8:30 PM, G-Books wrote: . . .My father in law needs to get . . . stuff from his old Wallstreet II (300 Mhz OS9) to the iBook (OS 10.4?) . . . Could he connect the two computers with an ethernet cable? It would be slow but we could do it with existing ports. Do you need a

Re: How to link Wallstreet 9.2.2 and iBook G3 10.3.9 by ethernet?

2005-10-10 Thread Bruce Johnson
On Oct 10, 2005, at 8:58 AM, Stanton Mitrany wrote: Thanks, Luis, and all others of you who help us! I imagine many of this list's members have use for this information (although it may seem basic to you if you've done it) and will really benefit from a detailed answer here which we