[galaxy-dev] blast2html

2015-10-07 Thread Juan Carlos
Hi, I'm new to galaxy and trying to set up a local blast tool, and maybe this is due to a silly mistake So far so good all is working but when trying to use blast2html i just get a "blank" page (even if the html is being generated), this happens when using the recommended setting in the configurat

Re: [galaxy-dev] User API keys with External (LDAP) authentication disabled?

2015-10-07 Thread Eric Rasche
Not from the admin interface right now. I noted this bug just the other day and intended to fix it as it applied to us as well. Until then, you can easily change the API key manually in the database. Cheers, Eric 2015-10-07 16:20 GMT-05:00 Ryan G : > Hi all - I have external authentication estab

[galaxy-dev] User API keys with External (LDAP) authentication disabled?

2015-10-07 Thread Ryan G
Hi all - I have external authentication established with our enterprise wide LDAP working with Galaxy. I just noticed that I can no longer manage API keys for users from the Admin Page -> API Keys. I get "Access to Galaxy user controls is disabled. User controls are disabled when Galaxy is confi

Re: [galaxy-dev] Problems with Galaxy cluster using grid engine

2015-10-07 Thread Richard Polich
Hi John, Yes, I came across a listing to enable this in /config/galaxy.ini for Gridengine. Peter van Heusden brought this error to my attention. I have now commented this out and can now upload files. #drmaa_external_runjob_script = /share/apps/galaxy/scripts/drmaa_external_runner.py #drmaa_e

Re: [galaxy-dev] QIIME tools for Galaxy (WIP, call for collaborators)

2015-10-07 Thread Björn Grüning
Hi Yvan, > Hi Lance, Björn, Dan > > We are several scientists working on metagenomics in France and at a > previous GUGGO (western France User Group) meeting, we mention the > fact to "benchmark" our Galaxy pipelines. One is using new Qiime > tools integration, one Mothur and the last one, the r

Re: [galaxy-dev] Sharing galaxy on CentOS7/Slurm/HPC/Proftp/Postgres/Apache/LDAP setup configurations

2015-10-07 Thread Sven E. Templer
Dear Hans-Rudolf, thank you very much pointing to that ressource! I will have a look into it and try to contribute, too. Best, Sven. On 7 October 2015 at 10:16, Hans-Rudolf Hotz wrote: > Hi Sven > > Nice resource - thank you very much for sharing! > > > Please allow me to suggest that you copy

Re: [galaxy-dev] Some issues with job submission to pulsar

2015-10-07 Thread Raj Ayyampalayam
Hi John, Thanks for your comments. Upload was just a tool that I picked to test my initial install, I hadn't installed any tools into the galaxy instance at that time. I set it up to use a shared directory and it is working fine now. One of the goals for this second Galaxy instance at UGA is

Re: [galaxy-dev] Problems with Galaxy cluster using grid engine

2015-10-07 Thread John Chilton
Do you have drmaa_external_** options set in config/galaxy.ini? It seems like maybe you do. I would try to get Galaxy working without those first, just submitting everything as the Galaxy user. -John On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Richard Polich wrote: > Hi All, > > Trying to setup a Galaxy clu

Re: [galaxy-dev] QIIME tools for Galaxy (WIP, call for collaborators)

2015-10-07 Thread Yvan Le Bras
Hi Lance, Björn, Dan We are several scientists working on metagenomics in France and at a previous GUGGO (western France User Group) meeting, we mention the fact to "benchmark" our Galaxy pipelines. One is using new Qiime tools integration, one Mothur and the last one, the recently developped

Re: [galaxy-dev] QIIME tools for Galaxy (WIP, call for collaborators)

2015-10-07 Thread Björn Grüning
Hi Lance, I will help if I can. I also think we should begin too write 2-3 nice tools in the beginning to test the handshake between them and lay the ground work. This will also help to get familiar with the tool. I still hope some one else from the community shows interest! :) Thanks, Bjoern A

Re: [galaxy-dev] Sharing galaxy on CentOS7/Slurm/HPC/Proftp/Postgres/Apache/LDAP setup configurations

2015-10-07 Thread Hans-Rudolf Hotz
Hi Sven Nice resource - thank you very much for sharing! Please allow me to suggest that you copy or link your documents to the 'Galaxy Community Log Board': https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Community/Logs This makes sharing and especially finding your documents much easier Regards, Hans-Ru

[galaxy-dev] Sharing galaxy on CentOS7/Slurm/HPC/Proftp/Postgres/Apache/LDAP setup configurations

2015-10-07 Thread Sven E. Templer
Hello together, not being an easy task to set up galaxy on a HPC cluster, satisfying user and the IT department needs, I would like to share our configuration (based on 15.07) to make it easier for others to dive into this. All configuration files and an installation manual is available at: https