Hi folks,
I'm back with one more feeler to gauge interest in the approach we are
trying out for a Galaxy quality control tool to interject into existing
bioinformatics pipelines. With some nudging (thanks Bob) I've implemented
basic infix math expressions. As well we're trying out the inclusion o
> Yes, infix "a + b" parsing would be easier to read
If you are targeting non-programmers, I think the bigger point is that a + b is
easier to write. I do understand the motivation for prefix from the
implementation standpoint. The issue, I suppose, will be how early you want to
include non-p
Thanks for quick reply, and good point about keeping math expressions
familiar to most users. In this first round I settled for a simple
prefix "function(parameter1 parameter2 ...)". All the python infix
operators like "a + b" have equivalent prefix functions "add(a b)" so the
latter are us
On Jan 11, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Dooley, Damion wrote:
> ... we're testing out a basic scripting language ... meant to provide [folks]
> with
> ways to [do something] without having to be programmers ...
> if( lt(/N50 20) set(report/job/status FAIL))
> Math is accomplished by python b
Folks, we're testing out a basic scripting language and interpreter for
report writing and quality control that is meant to provide both
command-line programmers and Galaxy platform researchers and admins with
ways to tweak workflow quality control behaviour without having to be
programmers themsel