The Java development tools, especially the command line ones, are
extremely accessible. When writing Java apps javac is my friend. Ant is
a great tool for packing Java apps as well.
As far as Java access in general goes it really depends on the screen
reader. I am a Window Eyes user so I ten
Hi Christopher,
For me the Visual Basic 6 programming environment is very very accessible. I
really never work outside of it and I am running only JFW 4.02. There is also
lots of documentation and programming examples. Don't know that I would
recommend it to you per say since you mentioned t
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Accessible development environments with documentation?
I want to get back into program (specifically game)
development. What do folk recommend for an accessible development
If you want your stuff to work anywhere but Windows, then Java is a good
I've been coding games in Java since 1997 and it's easy to learn.
There are a lot of good books and Web support for it.
There's also good support at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's a whole lot easier than C++,
Hi Christopher,
The .Net technologies are becoming more mainstream with Windows XP and
Vista systems, and I highly recommend taking up one of the .Net
languages. My personal recommendation would be C#, called C-Sharp, since
it is very simple to learn, is widely documented, and is the language I
I want to get back into program (specifically game)
development. What do folk recommend for an accessible development
environment that has good documentation for Windows programming? I'm
years out of practice, but would most likely want to work in C++ or
something similar.