[gatortalk] Re: Its in the mail...

2009-01-24 Thread dbadr...@gmail.com
Thanks a lot, Bill and Richard! -BadMan On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Bill Hood aka mrgatorman < mrgator...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote: > Wanted to let all know that most of the dvd's are in the mail. I need to > acknowledge someone though. I do this as part of my contribution to this > boar

[gatortalk] Re: Its in the mail...

2009-01-24 Thread Helen Huntley
I had a good time watching the "extras" Bill so thoughtfully included--mostly College Game Day and Fox Pre- and Post-Game reports. I felt so much more relaxed watching the build-up this time, knowing how it all turned out. All that talk about the fabulous Oklahoma offense doesn't come off as very f

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Gatornet Admin
You...my...friend...are...nuts! I very seldom even ride my motorcycle once the temps drop below 60. I HAVE, but I'm not crazy about it. Randy - Original Message - From: Sean Fletcher To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 6:25 PM Subject: [gatortalk

[gatortalk] Re: Its in the mail...

2009-01-24 Thread Stacey Hartley-McBride
A BIG THANKS to both of you! I look forward to yet another fabulous DVD memory to share with my Gator brothers and sisters out here in PAC-10 enemy country! You are true Orange and Blue Gators (-: Stacey "They say statistics are for losers, but losers are usually the ones thinking that

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Sean Fletcher
Lightweights! I proudly flaunt my Florida cracker jorts year-round, living up to the stereotype. In fact, I'll be wearing them to poker tonight in sub-zero temps... just to mess with peoples heads : ). Of course, I'm also the neighborhood nutcase with twin 15 foot palm trees covered with sn

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Cecilia
FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric ZeierLMAO! Cee - Original Message - From: Oliver Barry To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:04 PM Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier OMG!! Yes, yes she did!!! But, I couldn't say anything. I was wearing jorts.

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Gatornet Admin
FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric ZeierJorts in January? Mine are safely packed away waiting for Spring! Randy - Original Message - From: ken...@earthlink.net To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:10 PM Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier Man, Oliver.

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread kenb23
Man, Oliver. You really crack me up. LOL! I hope you wear those jorts proudly! Go Gators Ken B. (NYC Gator) Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed -Original Message- From: "Oliver Barry" Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:04:15 To: Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier O

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Oliver Barry
OMG!! Yes, yes she did!!! But, I couldn't say anything... I was wearing jorts. Oliver Barry, CRS, GRI Real Estate Broker Halo Realty, LLC 700 E. Main St. Hendersonville TN 37075 oba...@haloprop.com office: 615-822-3509 fax: 615-822-7741 mobile: 615-972-4239 __

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Cecilia
FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric ZeierLOL. But did she have the one accessory that always gives away the UGA affiliation? Was she wearing an add-a-bead necklace? ;-) Cee - Original Message - From: Oliver Barry To: Gatortalk Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:12 AM Subject: FW: [

RE: FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread keith
<>   Well yeah - what do you expect?   LIke I said ... you shouldn't tell anyone about you hitting on her ...   Whatever you do - DO NOT pull out a 2X4 !  Nothing means "I love you" more to a redneck Georgia grad than taking out a 2X4 on a date.    Original Message Subject: FW:

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Robert R. Williams, PLS
Wouldn't that be like calling the Vols for Anyway, you should have grabbed her ear and made her squeal like a pig. Go Gators Ken B. (NYC Gator) _ From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Oliver Barry Sent: 01/24/2009

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Kenneth Beitler
You're lucky it was only your bicep! Anyway, you should have grabbed her ear and made her squeal like a pig. Go Gators Ken B. (NYC Gator) _ From: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com [mailto:gatort...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Oliver Barry Sent: 01/24/2009 12:26 PM To: Ga

FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Oliver Barry
You know, she did keep wanting to feel my bicep! Oliver -Original Message- From: Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 9:27 AM To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier Given all that Oliver, was she hitting on you? After all, she is probably not used to being a

[gatortalk] audio/video of players

2009-01-24 Thread Jerry Belloit
Yesterday, there was a post by Gatorcountry administrators that said that they are limited by the University as to how many minutes of video and audio of the players that they may make available on their website. More audio is allowed than video. It also varies by sport as well with basketball mo

[gatortalk] Nope.. no pressure on the Jags.

2009-01-24 Thread Gatorrrrrr
http://cgi.ebay.com/Draft-Florida-Gators-Tim-Tebow -Jacksonville-Jaguars_W0QQitemZ230320860406QQihZ01 3QQcategoryZ25201QQssPageNameZWDVWQQtcZphotoQQrdZ1 QQcmdZViewItem --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 Nati

[gatortalk] Re: Its in the mail...

2009-01-24 Thread gogators
Many thanks from me too, Bill and Richard! GoGators!!! Mark Quoting Bill Hood aka mrgatorman : > Wanted to let all know that most of the dvd's are in the mail. I need to > acknowledge someone though. I do this as part of my contribution to this > board. I don't have the connections most of y

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread kenb23
Given all that Oliver, was she hitting on you? After all, she is probably not used to being around REAL men. Go Gators Ken B. (NYC Gator) Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed -Original Message- From: "Oliver Barry" Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 09:12:44 To: Gatortalk Su

FW: [gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread Oliver Barry
Hitting on her? Are you insane? She was dressed in nuveaux trailer tramp complete with big hair and high heeled boots! Not to mention the most obvious fact, SHE IS A GEORGIA GRAD!! Hitting at her... With a 2x4 would be more desireable! Oliver -Original Message- From: Sent: Saturd

[gatortalk] Re: Eric Zeier

2009-01-24 Thread keith
You were hitting on Eric Zeier's wife ?!?!?   I guess it's okay - they are Georgia fans.  But I wouldn't have told anybody.    She probably thinks that square dancing is wife swapping.    Did she have a bell hung around her neck, and use her tail to keep swishing away the flies?         From