Incubator ApacheCon presentations

2014-01-29 Thread Marvin Humphrey
Greets, I'm planning to propose two presentations for ApacheCon Denver: one on releases, and one overview of the Incubator. _Releasing Apache Software_ This presentation will explore technical, procedural, legal and cultural aspects of releasing Apache software; the distinction

February 2014 Incubator report timeline

2014-01-29 Thread Marvin Humphrey
February 2014 Incubator report timeline: Wed February 05 -- Podling reports due by end of day Sun February 09 -- Shepherd reviews due by end of day Sun February 09 -- Summary due by end of day Tue February 11 -- Mentor signoff due

[ANNOUNCE] Carl Steinbach joins the IPMC

2014-01-29 Thread Jakob Homan
Hwæt! The Incubator PMC has voted to offer membership to Carl Steinbach, who has graciously accepted. Carl is a long-time Apache contributor, currently serving as VP of the Apache Hive project. Welcome Carl. -jg