During the graduate discussion, we received lots of positively feedback.
There is the final resolution:
1. Change project description to "Apache ShardingSphere related to a
database clustering system providing data sharding, distributed
transactions, and distributed database management."
With 6 +1 non-binding votes, 10 +1 binding votes and no -1 or +/-0 votes,
this vote PASSES.
Thanks to everyone who voted. The vote tally is attached.
Lidong Dai
Ming Wen
Xiangdong Huang
Xin Wang
Zili Chen
Zhongyi Tan
Sheng Wu
Tianqi Chen
> I also wonder if opinions might have changed in the 5 years since that
> discussion. In that time, GitHub has only become more ubiquitous and more
> adopted by many Apache projects.
Probably more a discussion for the board or Infra (as they own ASF distribution
policy) than the incubator
Hello community,
We are pleased to announce that Apache Pinot (incubating) 0.3.0 is released!
Apache Pinot (incubating) is a distributed columnar storage engine that can
ingest data in realtime and serve analytical queries at low latency.
The release can be downloaded at: https://pinot.apache.or
The problem is that "fork" means two different things, and that some
members seem to be interpreting fork in the sense of a project level fork -
meaning creating a new community out of an existing project. Whereas the
fork on github is really about raising pull requests Paul is mentioning.
We sho
I would think it is almost ubiquitous now for developers to know that the
easiest way for them to create a PR for instance is to fork the project
(the source code if you like) on Github.
It seems sensible to encourage the use of "Fork me on Github" as it
substantially lowers the barrier of newcome
Thanks for the link to the board@ list. I agree with you that it’s a shame the
discussion was on a private list.
Yes. It seems that the concern of some is that link is an “ad”.
It seems to me that the primary purpose for the link is to make contributing
easier and the “advertisement” is seconda
If you can, I suggest people read this board@ thread [1]. It a pity that
conversation didn’t happen in more public space. Also note the board action
item that resulted from this and that the “Fork me on Github” ribbon is no
longer on the front page of the project in question.
Also consider
In this particular case it could be seen as a) advertising a commercial entity
on an ASF’s project front page (using their marketing slogan) b) encouraging
users (who may not understand the consequences) to use unreleased code rather
than using the officially released downloads.
I think it
This is not the first time “Fork Me” came up, but I don’t think there’s been a
clear consensus on the topic.
I think it’s an important topic, so I’m starting a new discussion.
It seems to me that the concern with using “Fork Me” is that it’s somehow
promoting unofficial releases. Please correct
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