Re: [VOTE RESULT] Graduation of the Empire-db Podling

2011-12-23 Thread Francis De Brabandere
Our resolution contained a copy-paste error, correct version below: ## Resolution to create a TLP from graduating Incubator podling X. Establish the Apache Empire-db Project WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the

Re: [VOTE RESULT] Graduation of the Empire-db Podling

2011-11-28 Thread Francis De Brabandere
Hereby I would like to mark this vote closed with the following result: 4 IPMC +1 votes (Benson, Martijn, Chris A, Alan) 4 PPMC +1 votes (Francis, Rainer, Benjamin, Eike) 1 community +1 vote (Dimitar) no -1 or +0 votes Combined with our empire-db-dev@ vote round we can conclude this vote