I am wondering whether it actually is an error. My assumption was that
is always a string.
The method, strSubstring (string:String, begin:Integer, end:Integer)
clearly wants a string and two integers. So, you must give these types to
that method.
Hence, the correct form would be:
Hello Nahum,
I have put the Oracke JDK 1.7u9, which is the same as yours on (WinXP,
geoserver2.2/2.1.3, geowebcache1.3R1, geowebcache1.2.6 Tomcat
7.027/Tomcat6.0.35 all on Oracle 10, Oracle ArcSDE9.2 and PostGIS) and yes
you are right it does not work, none of them worked. Start-up fails with
Hello Adrian,
Phil and Martin pointed you in the direction of the geoserver documentation
and did not talk about tools. Probably implicitly telling you that you need
some understanding of XML and Schema and their syntax, the sld XML-flavour
and what you can do with it, which I think is an importa
there are essentially three ways to define the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR (windows
or linux does not matter):
- web.xml
- as a variable be it system or environment var(with export)
- when you start the process java -D..
please have a look whether you have set something (in the former
sorry forgot something important:
this function expects a float.
Another consideration: I would expect mathematical functions to work much
faster than String functions.
May be Andrea can shed some light on that.
Dr Christian Maul
Project M
the simplest solution:
entire sld here:
Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager
Information Services Branch
Department of Sustainability and Envi
Thanks Martin,
that was the answer I feared I would get.
The filtering by size does not work because there are always little slivers
of riparian, wayside or other sections that would not be shown in the rural
environment or the odd palazzo with big park in the city that would turn up
amongst a w
There are a lot of resources available how to set up the multiple Tomcat
Just 2 of the umpteen sources:
Dr Chr
because I've just done it I can give you the ultimative answer (bloody
reorganisations, needed your question so that I finally did it):
1 Safety copy of your data directory.
2 Create new namespace, which will create a workspace.xml and a
namespace.xml with their ids. They a
Sorry to contradict, but neither will work.
The change of the datastore is accepted (tried it in Geoserver 2,1,3) but
all layers are not working because the layers underneath are not changed and
fail with an error.
The second approach will not work full stop.
Here is why:
You've got a namespace.
Hi Christian,
Sorry for answering so late, it escaped me.
There was a difference in approach. Cheesybiscuits and Martin rightfully
pointed out what the standard allows for. However, my position was: ’you
need to find a sensible way to deal with your spatial infrastructure and
that might not includ
sorry files nor classes
all classes *gsvr*.dll and write them explicitly in the SYSTEM path
all files called *gsvr*.dll and write them explicitly in the SYSTEM path
Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager
Information Services Branch
Department of Sustainability a
I don't think it has anything to do with Geoserver.
Esri is very specific with the error messages. 324 says:
The gsrvr dll for a direct connection could not be loaded.
sort of conforms to your: com.esri.sde.sdk.client.JGsrvr at
I had a similar phenonomenon, i.e. offset at some scales in a different
setup. Reason was that the geowebcache.xml and an Oplenayers function call
didn't have the same bounding box.
Because of these two errors
at org.geoserver.gwc.web.GWCSettingsPage.(GWCSettingsPage.java:50)
it would make sense to send the geowebcache.xml and probably the
geowebcache-core-context.xml to this list to s
To extend Imran's response:
Openlayers example:
There are lots of other filters possible in WFS calls:
Java has different memory spaces. To put it very simply the classes are a
template for objects, they are kept in a permanent memory space, because
dependent on what you do with Geoserver you may need them any time. At
runtime these templates let's say a map class is filled with values and
becomes a
Jukka pointed you in the correct direction. However, I would strongly advise
a) to stick to one of the scale sets in the OGC WMTS standard, b) to ask
your users to get them using the getCapabilities statement and only look at
them using the correct scale/resolution and c) ask them not t
Hello Christian
Yep, we had this problems as well, albeit with Geowebcache WMS and it turned
out to be a problem with the time-out on the MapInfo side. Not being a
MapInfo specialist, I can only point you in that direction and not tell you
how to change it.
Please mail to this list your JVM start options or more precisely the options
in the wrapper.conf, if you use Jetty or of catalina.bat if you use Tomcat
or if you use a service the configuration of the service.
Please bear in mind Geoserver has a lot of classes and needs a bit of heap
and Permspace
Got an direct Email back (as far as I can see not to the list).
Thanks Christian,
You mean if I turn on only the png8 format (not the png) then on the demo
page of geowebcache GWC Demos Page and for a specific layer (see picture
attached) the option of png8 will be provided?
What I want is to b
Should be as simple as turning it on.
Settings --> Geowebcache
As you see below this format is not turned on as a default.
Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager
Hello Sebastian,
Mal 'ne ganz dumme Frage.
Could it be that you have set a system or environment/shell variable that
interferes with what you attempt in web.xml or the java JVM start?
Second issue: I'm not sure about the syntax but I would try to achieve that
with Apache allowing only for the ht
use Apache it's easier. In the mail below are my deployment notes. Please
ignore any personal bits:
Version 2.2.21
64-bit version does not come with mod-jk (Chris found it though).
Integrate Tomcat instead with reverse proxy.
Mod-jk is advisable if SSL is used -- otherwise unco
I think it makes sense if you are dealing frequently with sld's to invest in
a decent xml editor.
I am usually doing the a slapdash-design with Udig, the geoserver styler or
Atlas. When it comes to filters, rules etc. i.e. when the sld becomes longer
and repetitive I am using Oxygen (co
Hi cheesybiskuits,
Intriguing question.
Obviously you are not using the WMS to produce a map but to see some
pattern. I did a brief test using my desktop and our production Geoserver
instance using a hydrology dataset with 370,000 points.
Sorry I cannot display that here as a table. However:
add-on: You can also enter the scale denominators directly:
I did it the way as shown before because I am cutting raster tiles and
cutting one genuine pixel into four looks just awful. So the resolutions tag
example for EPSG;3111
another example: displays only when both conditions are fulfilled a)
national parks (Type =2) b) only those greater than 2000ha (CURRENT_AREA >
2000) and does so between 100K and 250K.
Dr Christia
Basemap Google
internal layers (Dept. of Transport) from a Geoserver instance
remote layers from Dept. of Sustainability and Environment (different
imagery layers from Dept. of sustainability and Environment (Erdas Image Web
Auf eine Englische Mail antwortet Dir vielleicht auch einer ;-)
http://192.168.. sieht aus wie eine interne Routeraddresse, bist Du
sicher, dass Du diesen Endpunkt adressieren kannst? Wo sitzt den Mapbender -
Innerhalb des Netzwerks geht das natürlich.
yes agree but this is what you should aim for. What is the sense in using a
standard like SLD and then shooting holes in it by writing the styles in a
fashion that depends on execution?
They should work in Geoserver, deegree, mapserver etc. A lot of my styles
are not self-written, but swap
SLDs should be written that one and only one rule applies a a given scale.
This would render the order of execution meaningless. It would be your duty
to shape the SLD in a way that firstly you do not omit data that you want to
display and secondly that you make the filter mutually exclus
No you don't. Use your data directory as a whole with your all
workspaces/styles/layergroups and all the other directories. No need to
republish, redefine styles etc. It will work. At least if you go from 2.0.2
to 2.1.3, don't know about 2.2.
It is good practice because of that, to pull thi
No you don't.
Having said that you might want to have a look at the www directory and you
may want to update the styler and and more importantly you probably want to
update openlayers which is in the same directory, but it is not essential as
you use this openlayers only to check your geos
There is one little glitch though, which has nothing to do with geoserver. If
you are using let's say Tomcat as a service at startup and the server with
the remote data_dir requires a login you cannot do that as services cannot
login to remote servers, you would need to start it via a batch file af
I am working at the Department of Sustainability and Environment Victoria,
Australia and we recently switched with some applications from esri to
(to be precise:
Geoserver2.1.3/Tomcat6.0.35/Java1.6.31/Apache2.2.24/Windows2008 64-bit)
The WMS works fine (getMap) but there are problem
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