a regression? I.e. did some earlier version of GHC do better on the
> exact same code?
> Maybe open a Trac ticket.
> Thanks
> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> | From: Glasgow-haskell-users [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
> | boun...@haskell.org] On Be
e I end up with a join point on (++). Further evidenced (?)
by the curious occurance of s1uf4 ... (Left (Left (Left ...))).
Additional calls then are (Left (Left (Right ))) and so on.
It would be really good if (|||) is *not* turned into a join point.
* Christian Höner
Dear all,
have some of you experienced bad code generation in ghc-8.2-rc1 in
combination with stream fusion from the vector package?
Unfortunately, the problem occurs with ADPfusion code which means no
simple example, but I'm asking because of the following core below.
In ghc-8.0 I have nice cor
est case has the better. eg Don't use
> criterion; this stuff is huge: you get 10G of allocation in your test run
> instead of 10M. Or something.
> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> | From: Christian Höner zu Siederdissen
> | [mailto:choe...@tbi.univie.a
s that loop_s29q looks strict in its Int arg, yet isn't unboxed.
> There is a way to get the strictness analysis to run twice -flate-dmd-anal.
> You could try that.
> Simon
> | -Original Message-
> | From: Glasgow-haskell-users [mailto:glasgow-haskell-us
Hi everybody,
I'm playing around with concatMap in stream fusion (the vector package
to be exact).
concatMapM :: Monad m => (a->m (Stream m b)) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
concatMapM f (Stream ...) = ...
I can get my concatMap to behave nicely and erase all Stream and Step
constructors but due t
That's actually a great idea, especially since the safe variants of the
calls are already in place.
* Carter Schonwald [14.08.2014 23:10]:
>have a smart wrapper around you ffi call, and if when you think the ffi
>call will take more than 1 microsecond, ALWAYS use the safe ffi call,
I've played around some more and finally more than one capability is
active. And indeed, unsafe calls don't block everything. I /had/
actually read that but when I saw the system spending basically only
100% cpu time, I'd thought to ask.
One problem with this program seems to be that the
Greetings everybody,
I happen to be a bit confused with regards to unsafe foreign imports and
Assume the following C function:
foreign import ccall unsafe "cfun"
cfun :: CInt -> IO ()
Now, cfun does some work:
go xs = unsafePerformIO $ do
forM_ xs $ cfun
return $ somethingUn
Hi Janek,
yes to both -- in a way. See Section 5.3 here for lists:
For my usual work, I use stream fusion and manually 'flatten' everything
in all of ADPfusion and rather large bunch of other work building on top
of that. ;-)
Giegerich's original ADP is
As an avid user of unboxed vectors (with a dozen libraries using them
with many newtypes), I've basically been using vector-th-unbox, which is
fine for parameter-free newtypes.
Viele Gruesse,
* Carter Schonwald [15.05.2014 04:15]:
>this is an issue i'll be running into
Thanks Adam,
It indeed does work with a lambda, should've thought about it. So, it
seems splices in patterns are new in 7.8 (hadn't seen it in the notes).
* adam vogt [15.03.2014 05:12]:
> Hello Christian,
> It seems new to me that $( ) is allowed in patterns. I would have u
Hello everybody,
I wrote me this nice function 'buildRns' which splices in $(varP w) nice
and recursively. Unfortunately, this only seems to work in the 7.8
branch, not in 7.6.3. Is this indeed new, or am I missing something
obvious? The message is:
ADP/Fusion/TH.hs:106:86: Parse error in pattern
Hi John,
I guess you probably want to "pseq x". See below for an example. Since your 2nd
action does not depend on your 1st.
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Conc
main = do
x <- return (traceShow "1" $ 1::Int)
-- x `pseq` print (2::Int)
print (2::Int)
print x
* John Lat
Hi Simon,
The download page already has a big "Stop" there.
Apart from that, I am /really/ looking forward to sse/avx extensions and
the official new-code-gen to further narrow the gap between
high-performance C and high-performance Haskell.
That bei
Hi Conal,
if you take your example program and write "foo :: Bool", ghci accepts it?
For me it complains, and I would think rightly so, that "couldn't match
expected type Fa with actual type Bool". It actually only works with the
following quite useless "type instance F a = Bool".
By the way, us
How would you infer "a" from "F a"? Given "bar :: Bool", I can't see how
one could go from "Bool" to "F a = Bool" and determine "a" uniquely.
My question is not completely retorical, if there is an answer I would
like to know it :-)
* Conal Elliott [13.01.2013 20:13]:
Hi Simon,
Yes I am using -fnew-codegen. Using a large set of random input data
I get the expected results (comparing to both, a different version in
Haskell, and one in C).
I'll be monitoring output and will report problems.
However not relying on it, except to show that high performance is
right now it seems that my ADPfusion stuff works, apparently no bugs.
The runtimes seem to have improved a bit, too. :-) (Could be due to
other changes I currently make due to reviewers' suggestions...)
If anybody has a binary package for ARM in general, I can test that,
too. Unfortunately, I
I am currently trying to get my ADPfusion library to optimize code using
ghc-head (same thing described below happens with 7.4.1).
Using ghc-7.2.2, both test programs (Nussinov78 and RNAFold) optimize
well, the performance is close to C and ghc-core shows good code. This
is mostly to say that
Hi everybody,
I fail to remember or re-google the package version selection for cabal,
if no version constraints are given.
If I depend on "iteratee", and there are no constraints, does it take
the lowest version?
When I pushed the newest version of the RNAFold package, the log showed
ADPfusion combines stream-fusion (using the stream interface provided by
the vector library) and type-level programming to provide highly
efficient dynamic programming (DP) combinators.
You can write DP programs in a style similar to Algebraic Dynamic
Programming (ADP) (Giegerich et al.), meaning
It would seem that you are building random with profiling enabled:
4. Build random- by new by ghc/7.4.1/instUnregis
ghc --make Setup
./Setup configure --prefix=/home/mechvel/ghc/7.4.1/instUnregis/lib/ghc-7.4.1
./Setup build -v
while your non-reg'ged build of ghc has no p
I have to second that. I recently "fell" over that problem when writing
instances for certain kinds of tuples. In libraries, such as "tuple"
there is a special 'OneTuple' constructor but I'd really appreciate a
more uniform fix -- but don't know of one either...
* Ganesh Sit
that 'a' tends to be a 5-tuple ;-)
A function along those lines is extremely useful in a number of cases. I
hope to have some time to actually dig through the repa sources and see
what is possible.
* Ben Lippmeier [20.05.2011 04:14]:
> On 19/05/2011, at 8:
I'd like to use repa in a rather perverted mode, I guess:
for my programs I need to be able to update arrays in place and
repeatedly perform operations on them.
Right now, it basically works like this (in ST):
- create unboxed space using "primitive" (same as unboxed vectors)
- unsafefreeze
This is Haskell. One should abstract away the system used. Call it
vcs-ghc@ and vcs.haskell.org ;-)
* austin seipp [20.01.2011 22:19]:
> Point taken, I personally think it's rather minor although it was
> brought up before like I said, so perhaps others think differently.
> E
That would not be economical. Lets just say people never use more than
8-tuple and then try to count how many functions you would need.
The "tuple" package on Haskell provides a generic interface to
access/manipulate the k'th element of an n-tuple. That should be
sufficient and is not subject to c
you probably mean generating an ssh key-pair. This is a one-step
Is Yarrow a weapon or a crypto package?
Otherwise I would suggest putting Yarrow onto your personal webpage /
university system and asking for a link.
PS: I have just skimmed the TOS, but apart fro
The change should not affect working programs, as it just allows you to
define further places where you say that you want an overlapping
* Serge D. Mechveliani [16.11.2010 16:47]:
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 09:41:58PM +0200, John Smith wrote:
> > In the case of overlapp
is the following problem a job for ghc or the code generation backend
We are given this program:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
f :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
f !i !j !s !m
| i == 0= s+m
| otherwise = f (i-1) (j-1) (s + i+1) (m + j*5)
g :: Int -> Int
can't remember to have been hit by it; but changing would mean that
library maintainers can act more conservatively. Otherwise one needs to
be able to guess if an instance might be overlapped.
The new version wouldn't require that, yes?
* John Smith [26.10.2010 21:45]:
> I
thanks to you all for the answers. I will then go with increasing the
version number for testing, this seems to be the easiest way to go.
And indeed, 'cabal unpack' fetches ( ;-) ) the package without checking
that constraints are met.
* Christian Höner zu Si
does the Cabal constraint solver always try to solve the complete graph?
example: (ghc-7.0.0-rc1)
$ cabal install parsec-3.1.0
cabal: cannot configure syb-0.2.1. It requires base >=4.0 && <4.3
cd syb-0.2.1
* remove base<4.3 constraint from syb.cabal
cabal install
* syb-0.2.1 is now installe
I am about to upload a number of packages to hackage. They are all
needed by RNAFoldProgs. The main program therein, RNAFold, replicates
RNAfold of the ViennaRNA package. The difference is that the algorithm
already uses a newer set of parameters; the C functionality will follow
soon from our
Yeah that was a bit lazy by me (or bull, if you want...;-); looks like you
have runStmLogger on the top-level of your Main module ("MAIN") as well.
What functions are defined there? And what vars?
* Stefan Wehr [19.09.2010 20:28]:
> 2010/9/19 Christian Höner zu
You should either try "-auto-all" while compiling to get cost centres
for every top-level function or insert cost centres by hand with "SCC":
Otherwise, MAIN is "main = ..."
* Stefan Wehr [19.09.2010 1
haddock seems to produce an error on associated data family decls.:
line 22, where the errors occurs is exactly this one:
class PrimArrayOps a b where
data PrimArray a b :: *-- ^ Prim
I do have the problem that my code is not completely optimized. We begin
-- Ring.hs
class Ring a where
rmult :: a -> a -> a
zero :: a
-- PrimitiveArray.hs
class PrimArrayOps a b where
data PrimArray a b :: *
unsafeIndex :: PrimArray a b -> a -> b
-- PAInstances.hs
-- for any 'a
and the most-common test program ... ever:
module Main where
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
fib :: Int -> Int
fib n
| n < 1 = error "n < 1"
| n == 1= 1
| n =
(which exports everything)
Because of the rather good versioning system of Cabal (like
library=x.y.z) this seems to be the most practical solution for me.
Though it still would be nice if I could inject functions into other
peoples' namespaces -- so to speak ;-)
* Christian H
Hi everybody,
I'd like some input on other peoples' thoughts on this. Recently, I
played around with a library that uses an explicit export list. While
there are reasons for having one:
- efficiencey (inlining in the module)
- encapsulation
in practice, it seems to me that they are more annoying
continuing the above discussion "Parallel Haskell, 2 year project", here
is what i want to do:
- put an (almost) trivial program here that is a dynamic programming
program but requires no other knowledge (like Bioinformatics or
whatever). This one is attached.
- write the same program bu
* Roman Leshchinskiy [04.05.2010 10:02]:
> On 04/05/2010, at 11:10, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote:
> > * Ben Lippmeier [04.05.2010 02:21]:
> >>
> >> You can certainly create an array with these values, but in the provided
> >> code it looks l
* Roman Leshchinskiy [04.05.2010 02:32]:
> On 04/05/2010, at 09:21, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > on that topic, consider this (rather trivial) array:
> >
> > a = array (1,10) [ (i,f i) | i <-[1..10]] where
> > f 1
ome links
> explaining the algorithm that you're using, and some example data + output?
> Thanks,
> Ben.
> On 04/05/2010, at 9:21 AM, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote:
> > a = array (1,10) [ (i,f i) | i <-[1..10]] where
> > f 1 = 1
Sorry, to make it more clear:
in the line:
> write a (a'!(i-1) + a!(i-2))
> (a'!(i-1) + a!(i-2))
would need to be parallel, as there we typically have a sum/minimum or
whatever. The forM_ over each index does not need to be, since we have
to fill the array anyway...
* Ch
on that topic, consider this (rather trivial) array:
a = array (1,10) [ (i,f i) | i <-[1..10]] where
f 1 = 1
f 2 = 1
f i = a!(i-1) + a!(i-2)
(aah, school ;)
Right now, I am abusing vector in ST by doing this:
a <- new
a' <- freeze a
forM_ [3..10] $ \i -> do
write a (a'!(i-1) + a!(i
I am thinking about how to easily generate instances for a class. Each
instance is a tuple with 1 or more elements. In addition there is a
second tuple with the same number of elements but different type. This
means getting longer and longer chains of something like (...,x3*x2,x2,0).
- templa
the things I am interested in are:
foldU f init .
mapU (\k -> array_1 !: (i,k) `combine` array_2 !: (k,j)) $
enumFromToU i j
where (!:) = fancy_index_op
with both `vector` and `uvector` (then D.V.fold etc).
Since ghc 6.12 there has been no significant difference in using either
backend. Th
are Regex'es broken or is this local to my installation? I want to blame
someone else, see:
where all result types of [a] are broken, too.
What to test for:
thank you very much Simon & Don, for the answers.
The latest head gives great results on parallel programs. All cores are
now always at work as I hoped for. So, too, thanks to everybody involved
in the multicore improvements -- they should come very handy. :-)
Thanks again,
* Do
ama. It looks in /usr/lib, but should look in /usr/lib64.
Btw. I don't have root on the machine.
Höner zu Siederdissen
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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Dear Haskell users,
please see ticket 2346 for example code. Note that two of the files will
likely require all available memory upon compilation.
Christian Höner zu Siederdissen
* Christian Höner zu Siederdissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01.01.1970 00:59]:
> Dear Haskell users,
handcrafted program, albeit with
very few lines, that shows how one of our source files would look like:
We automatically generate type, algebras and the grammar for our
Christian Höner zu Siederdissen
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